
Current races

Past races

  1. reliable-mearl-5108 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants Spoiler Keysanity Pickup Race spoiler keysanity - https://alttpr.com/h/YMNgg3Alv0 - (Bombs/Bugnet/Magic Powder/Mirror/Ice Rod)
  2. salty-compass-2522 Beat the game Finished recorded 14 entrants Xkeys2023 - start at x:30 crosskeys2023 - https://alttpr.com/h/wym55dmwyK - (Map/Compass/Flute/Shield/Green Potion)
  3. epic-link-0858 Beat the game (assisted) Finished recorded 4 entrants 216 Xkeys tournament - Hyrulean Fried Chicken vs Keep Talking and Nobody Softlocks crosskeys2023 - https://alttpr.com/h/xMXAAd1Pvz - (Cape/Somaria/Quake/Boomerang/Boots)
  4. superb-bombs-3080 Do your best and have fun! Finished not recorded 5 entrants Coy Pond Weekly beginner - https://alttpr.com/h/eM433rmaGj - (Ether/Shield/Bombos/Bugnet/Heart)
  5. virtual-sage-8558 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants Pogchampion - ph112358 vs AceZer0
  6. tasty-eastern-9932 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants pogchamps s10 - Maniacal v. Solski
  7. dizzy-goldsword-0544 Beat the game Finished recorded 7 entrants Xkeys2023 - start at x:30 crosskeys2023 - https://alttpr.com/h/LyVeedxgvb - (Somaria/Bombs/Book/Heart/Shield)
  8. mini-lostwoods-1696 Beat the game (glitched) Finished recorded 6 entrants No Logic nologic_rods - https://alttpr.com/h/ZGLqqN7NMk - (Ether/Green Potion/Quake/Big Key/Ice Rod)
  9. shiny-hypecave-3016 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants
  10. amused-fireshield-5906 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants POGCHAMPIONSHIP S10 - NINJEMBRO VS SHADYFORCE