
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Harmjan387 #3230 Wolhaiksong #2657

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. dapper-wolf-6345 Any% Finished recorded 10 entrants BotW Any% Bi-Weekly
  2. graceful-garuda-8943 Any% Finished recorded 12 entrants Biweekly Any% Race
  3. fortunate-ness-5505 Great Plateau Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
  4. secret-koopa-8289 Any% Finished recorded 7 entrants BotW any% Bi-Weekly race
  5. speedy-tingle-8485 Master Sword Finished recorded 8 entrants
  6. tactical-toadstool-0130 Any% Finished recorded 5 entrants Any% Bi-Weekly Race
  7. mecha-boo-5865 Any% Finished recorded 4 entrants
  8. smart-meta-8932 Any% Finished recorded 4 entrants
  9. superb-subpixel-8954 Any% Finished recorded 6 entrants
  10. artful-red-7703 Any% Finished recorded 6 entrants