
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. wild-abysmal-4393 Enigma Finished recorded 3 entrants No custom areas / Wrecked Ship progression / MIM and MMM / All majors / Hazards allowed / Ship off / Cores on
  2. frantic-bubble-6618 Enigma Finished recorded 11 entrants Standard Shuffler Race | v1.33 | 7 Area Medium Normal | Crat = Presentiment, Brin = Maridia, Norf = Memoria, Kraid = Mek Lab | Hazards Allowed | Cores On | Hints Off | TROLL and all TGIF tags are all disabled, No highlights | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1265923664474542202/1304611694299054241/LORCIA_-_DEMO_63.mp_world?ex=673005d2&is=672eb452&hm=5626b8db5388a185d30339caea83b76a143d632a2cd84c5ec8a0f75566891631&
  3. charming-turbo-4298 Enigma Finished recorded 6 entrants CORE % 6 area Large / Chaotic Progression / Allowed heated runs / Exclude Hallways-TGIF-TROLL / Highlighted TUE landing and "Not Yet seen" / Cores on / Ships off https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1265923664474542202/1303535225279610900/ZOYA_-_DEMO_122.mp_world?ex=672c1b48&is=672ac9c8&hm=7cad31932bad41a8d210b3f4b81e7a25199205d97d65b62ef349932148ae6b51&
  4. mecha-lettuce-1542 Enigma Finished recorded 8 entrants THE SUNDAY FROM HELL | v1.33 | TGIF+ | CONNECT VS | 7 Area Large Chaotic | Hazards On | Cores On | Ship Off | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1265923664474542202/1302799894569943061/KATJA_-_DEMO_389.mp_world?ex=67296e73&is=67281cf3&hm=4e6866a865be0956534d7371caa528445105b3f8bcd4bac98beb2c246907568d&
  5. smelly-nova-4238 Enigma Finished recorded 3 entrants 7 area large chaotic world / Remake and Novus tags highlighted / No custom areas / Hazards forced / Cores on / Ship off / TGIF+ Disabled
  6. overpowered-surge-2001 Enigma Finished recorded 12 entrants Halloween came late this race | v1.33 | 7 Area Medium Chaotic | Crat = Presentiment, Brin = Spore Bogs, Norf = Eigenphos, WS = Penumbra, Kraid = The Maw, Ridley = Bubble Deep, Tourian = Alien Hive | Hazards Allowed | Cores On | Hints Off | TROLL and all TGIF tags (except tgif jr) are all disabled, No highlights | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1265923664474542202/1302061826938376263/LETO_-_DEMO_59.mp_world?ex=6726bf12&is=67256d92&hm=6d60276f758a8c19e5aeba21b89fcb1ef2a319912807588e50697a80834b75cc&
  7. fearless-mccoy-2761 Enigma Finished recorded 8 entrants WHEEEL OF DOOM WEEK 7 area Large / Chaotic Progression / Forced heated runs / Cores on / TGIF On (Not Highlighted)- TUE landing Preffered / Ship Scans off Wheel presets MUST GO RIGHT IF POSSIBLE / No Tags in highlighted / All A TAGS AND M TAGS Highlighted https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1265923664474542202/1300978258090917908/ARMISTICIA_-_DEMO_116.mp_world?ex=6722cdeb&is=67217c6b&hm=08c4141d4b874268281fa7aaf026154438833f095820d04e5c5c6ee9e868d52f&
  8. agreeable-nova-1804 Enigma Finished recorded 7 entrants Cores Are Made Of Candy Today | v1.33 | CANDY CORE HUNT | 7 Area Large Chaotic | Hazards Off | Cores On | Ship Off | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1265923664474542202/1300250578315776081/QUETELETA_-_DEMO_388.mp_world?ex=67202837&is=671ed6b7&hm=ac198281dbd59b91ca7d563c0312c7ee72cbb4b89cb959e8a010d453306543f4&
  9. swag-space-9171 Enigma Finished recorded 10 entrants whatever koopa generated | https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1265923664474542202/1299530006690660392/GALILEA_-_DEMO_157.mp_world?ex=671d8921&is=671c37a1&hm=73b2d30e995049d60245bf976b3b9657b495822004a4521a852231526c66dce4&
  10. helpful-enigma-7999 Enigma Finished recorded 8 entrants 6 area Large "Crat start" / Chaotic Progression / Allowed heated runs / Exclude Hallways-TGIF-TROLL / Highlighted "Not Yet seen" / Cores on / Ships off https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1265923664474542202/1298438210841477150/LINZIA_-_DEMO_113.mp_world?ex=67199051&is=67183ed1&hm=3f259d3166ce58aa0f630237a050cfc2a44154b4a483803c72e3c247bcdda139&