


Current races

Past races

  1. mini-cortana-5268 Torneio O Carinha da Peste - PQDM x Descontrolados - ALTTP: https://alttpr.com/en/h/rzGO7eZYGj OOT: Finished not recorded 4 entrants https://ootrandomizer.com/seed/get?id=603946
  2. powerful-inkling-8329 Beat the Game Finished not recorded 2 entrants Torneo Misterioso SGES - Showcase #2
  3. comic-cactuar-8073 Beat The Game Finished not recorded 2 entrants Torneo Misterioso - Showcase 1 SGES
  4. adequate-goomba-6514 5 Golden Pigs Race Finished not recorded 5 entrants get 5 golden pigs
  5. magic-eevee-7233 Anything goes Finished not recorded 4 entrants O Carinha da Peste - Semi Final - Sala da Cachoeira vs Time Link Aran
  6. cute-celeste-0802 ootr league - thunder v skye Finished not recorded 2 entrants standard
  7. pogtastic-shane-3973 Anything goes Finished not recorded 2 entrants Dead Space 2 beat the game yall
  8. sleepy-ramuh-9111 The Hobbit any% PC Finished not recorded 2 entrants
  9. mecha-sun-9571 The Hobbit PC any% Finished not recorded 2 entrants The Hobbit PC any%
  10. gnarly-mushroom-8999 Force trees Finished not recorded 5 entrants Ori & The Blind Forest - Randomizer (Std, FT, Clues, comp item pool)