
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. scrawny-cuphead-9252 Blitz Finished recorded 7 entrants https://discord.com/channels/647982524668313602/1093317970098393139/1227789201135894598
  2. intrepid-shiva-5288 Blitz Finished recorded 4 entrants Scrubs S2 Race
  3. dazzling-link-4560 Blitz Finished recorded 5 entrants https://discord.com/channels/647982524668313602/1093317970098393139/1227421592162664459
  4. overpowered-fortress-2992 Blitz Finished recorded 2 entrants Scrubs S2: Smoke Muervo 2 electric boogaloo
  5. quick-pichu-7652 Blitz Finished recorded 7 entrants Scrubs S2 race with the gang
  6. foolish-navi-6887 (old) Standard/Tournament Finished recorded 2 entrants MMR Zora Easter Tournament: Group C - Aosuna vs JustSam
  7. salty-joker-8804 Blitz Finished recorded 3 entrants Scrubs s2: https://discord.com/channels/647982524668313602/1093317970098393139/1226345994657071236 HashPictograph HashAdultWallet HashBremenMask HashStoneMask HashPostmansHat
  8. tactical-raichu-4689 (old) Standard/Tournament Finished recorded 2 entrants MMR Zora Easter Tournament : Group B - Aceslayer vs Volc
  9. curious-shulk-7535 (old) Standard/Tournament Finished recorded 2 entrants MMR Zora Easter Tournament: Group C - Aosuna vs Synii
  10. vanilla-bayonetta-6213 Blitz Finished recorded 8 entrants https://discord.com/channels/647982524668313602/1093317970098393139/1225619767356821527