
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Randomizer

BajaBlood #7152 erinexplosives #5921
Cestrion #4612 Naii the Baf #9546

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. obedient-terminal-4933 Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants DfElsXg-j5OyUF46ll12Izr7bN1OvzChEoP0ZdZDcbVn1pftUhPt7Pfmr-I3EL381cY3tJP3HIwml_XQ4mKjnHUmzzcj2qfw || Seed Hash: Gloom Worksite Blogg (EWYXQPUP)
  2. powerful-judgment-3478 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants DYCGfLUnjtlSQy0vJT2zjklERAEEEBCEAYREO4SEgR2VQxM1UYAMKmE0oaURZRF_W763AA1AICIf_pAAAGJd | Seed Hash: Staging Nightbarb Area (QZ6LKJ4O)
  3. invincible-blogg-4631 Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants DemX1nPVorGq-2g0jnxZt8KY_1DRmgccceC5FWnz3AnvbBnYMVOXzmvi_LTO78m-CZY1COgVEMJQS_1wowHllDdu || Aerie Larva Chamber (S7LHHVNC)
  4. silly-seeker-9130 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants Df2D0CKF37IYIrcwoWT-5z4Qi_CFYuPksN9k7aLwsWRDUndaYVRel6B8A6KlHkhKlnerDIanI1QbFeqQANQo || Seed Hash: Infant Horde Central (QPICFBO7
  5. splendid-ingclaw-2291 Beat the game Finished recorded 6 entrants DdJonrROR6oCtsIwdsGyLxsOXpgCtArggYXfPcfqgAi9FvbxKr3qUY77xC8_pDnY5f_n2SS-D8iu-_sgAH-O // Brinstone Kralee Emperor (NCPLITSH)
  6. fancy-webling-8916 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants Db-FZDwUOqoCtsIwZIX4n5Sc2QBX9jn8invCDYSUF4wudEEpT9_pPWfBd8_MHqAsJi0C4Rmg3oRXkX6QAFzN || Seed Hash: Harmony Grapple Save (QVSDYFB2)
  7. zany-bog-9865 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants Df1aGYB7nqoCtsIwoTKLtyoQi_CFYuPksN9k7aLwsWREyNP5XRtzBW0F-Y_KWhrkHGF0kQfMSCw9teAwABk_ || Seed Hash: Junction Hazing Poisoned (LIMYA646)
  8. brave-shriekbat-5920 Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants DbrBaSxBrleqgoU0Xz9jws-x6yVfmdMNR4G79S9qUgwUXGCFbChlrdtmrks8Wv5yfO3sYWF5eeOibHriHHWNGtRC // Seed Hash: Profane Lift Quad (YFUSYQNO)
  9. magic-space-4471 Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants Deb1mBqnZ1eqgoUwi71RIDeG6ji2fObQhZ0LfRtS_JhhzsLRHsUGgdJTMK_TTPWoyffz-VgGazgyk6RgAPv1 || Seed Hash: Tallon Aerotrooper GFMC (6WMBVJ3H)
  10. wild-oasis-6971 testing Finished not recorded 2 entrants