
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Randomizer

BajaBlood #7152 erinexplosives #5921
Cestrion #4612 Naii the Baf #9546

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. quick-mekenobite-7165 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants Permalink: DffhoI_vAOHCV5UenA4-3K0OgchwpyXUI8Y6qeyENU_OajuJHxaRQ3rSAKp6 | Hash: Quadraxis Wasp Dead | 2021 settings
  2. wild-ground-9530 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants DbbeccAxuBYQ1_g1XVuRPzjuJFqQxvfdE0l8CkDMxFqDZh5Xm8VMkB4WVuCOlapKX4OVbRTiFRu_vexqnzwF9kQAALQv || Seed Hash: Hive Samus Energy (3ZY4AMNY)
  3. adequate-crypt-4559 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants Weekly Community Race (Even Settings) | Permalink: DaQWoAY1URYQ1_gwSSUlWIYcPDCFaZTw7Dxe-KwQlnknbTx43Szf_T1Orq-PR5nQ9NLkweQxVWZc916AALlX | Seed Hash: Summit Wastes Aerie (C2QAMNKR)
  4. clever-checkpoint-0553 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants Dbtshd1-cBYQ1_gwYVm7tKGm3ehUT5EEF363aDOuS0UKZ02gHIJMgdgAd4-GVb4MSN3QeXywM20P3dMmAKi5 || Seed Hash: Dormant Pirate Hall (NSC527TQ)
  5. funky-crate-8808 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants DZK-t5vbKxYQ1_gwN5Ef0iSwvqDjtc4YAkBQ2HrMQBGt4Z7IG1j5BTMygG894yNIWiYm8QI9T04yuxAgACnW || Seed Hash: Undertransit Summit Sacred (X23ZXWZL)
  6. snug-hydrochamber-9713 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants DcvJZrMuVZG3F_UwbwEfRBEGTWjk70HE516naEPOe4Vax70grCI8QajgZ4-Wde5MlxY9-kPgK1A_eYGQAAhP || Seed Hash: Meeting Surface Transit (ZFTLGLSV)
  7. mega-way-3615 Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants DfVqrPqCgZG3F_Uwmg2fEWMCc7hekw-8CaodCA3Cmc3MY4MQxmUq2WrMfc8ACaw0qVKjiv3EOYihBTdwAKeN || Seed Hash: shrine horde checkpoint
  8. lawful-kralee-8665 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants DaxVajAn7JG3F_UwUav3F5ZMdHDNuexQVKzWeDSgLhnPHfQ4pfz33SU-pq-XV7HwHHyEIkzK9vzM59DAAIf3 || Seed Hash: Access Defiled Bog (KVVDAJ7M)
  9. crazy-seeker-0678 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants Df13oBKcFpG3F_Upo3h15aMyq_im42cccRqViJVSMW10EzvQjjZCuVK8dc8IGcRU0ZAqf5UAANra || Seed Hash: Entrance Caretaker Final (O6QBFHAW)
  10. fancy-grenchler-1025 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants DfvNWsKM25G3F_Uwn0ZwcWEmneiUz1EEV_53aHMuC0VK5w2gXAHMgRiAN4_G1X4MhzaNevPAO5CvGVGQANDD || Seed Hash: Tyr Suit Mutated (ZVNMFDG3)