
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Randomizer

BajaBlood #7152 erinexplosives #5921
Cestrion #4612 Naii the Baf #9546

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. outrageous-reliquary-7695 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants DduVHkxkA5G3F_UwgmN_LIFmveh0j_GEtz6XaFPuq8WqJy2gPMKsAXjAV4-mlR6M53atetOA2xAPWXGQACdA || Seed Hash: Skiff Aether Scan (SUPEYZAD)
  2. epic-phlogus-6394 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants DdtWNGmRmllVRPUwgqagC7lmveh0j_GEtz6XaFPuq8WqJy2gPMKsAXjAV4-mlR6M53atetOA2xAPWXGQAOQ8 | Seed Hash: Chykka Expansion Access (KY2GTEM2)
  3. tasty-hydrochamber-7401 Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants Weekly Community Race (Even Settings) | Permalink: DfHz-IVOlVlVRPUwlzTSpnfqV5g6a-OM1XLhyMl6TX14CyewYv7-afZUAU98gSCkFboH6lkcjdjtTXuwAHVP | Seed Hash: Keybearer O-Lir Processing (6P4IKTUV)
  4. mini-translator-1869 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants DcE7ps_tUVlVRPUvZecjPLfKBxiKi9NsldP1YHLu91jK6nDC2VYH3oYkc6uKthPsI4FU3kQXoTCsnQ8AAPen || Seed Hash: Lagoon Main Map (HOTM73KR)
  5. magnificent-gloom-2647 Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants DeyLUmebmllVRPUwkUsFeqbMNHANOaxQlCyWeHQg7hkPnbQ45Xx33WW-Zq_X13HwXPxEIoxKtvwMZ5DAAAuD || Seed Hash: Hydrochamber Mining War (RNJGPG42)
  6. disco-ingworm-0169 Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants Weekly Community Race (Odd Settings) | Permalink: DY3IeIiK46o8y_ozNKTz2XuSm3i2g5f88fvpIP5GG0iGcsTixQ6LLqIMJyvW0byTt87-LhCP5Re2DDuAfEYXAJ9U | Seed Hash: Guardian Cliff Planetary (ZB4IRCXD)
  7. reliable-caretaker-0520 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants DYUXki_w8VblkQowK9OTmPtiYzhuMz98WYqNCJ3iSQ2cw3OQ1gaambqs7c-QKVx0ebKTCg1kaUjx5adwAOkb || Seed Hash: Tallon Path Lightbringer (C6JC74HR)
  8. clumsy-underground-3544 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants DcbpnnX5K6o8y_ovatTg2eDoKkC3vQqIphhcGO50HCHxWUqoL6B1tRdKzO_xyz-YH01KdLeh5uBvk1MAAEyi || Seed Hash: Grounds Aerotrooper Blueroot (5GPHL6JL)
  9. magic-wasp-8972 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants DeIWJ8OFBKo8y_oviGplY8yQ7iCz1T7YEqAA2MpsMFE9wc5I63hpxUOSMG-NgxOIK3WO1DM5mrBbm3cAAMZf || Seed Hash: Expansion Agon Metroid (CYT4HBIE)
  10. sleepy-caretaker-4229 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants DZ2C8P3Vbqo8y_ovRAu__avyC_hGI0eckdr1iDWSEe2U05vQLnYiOXJ81c-oWaTUMjcLDCbnA9Q6NcwAAHEx || Seed Hash: Missile Catacombs Bearerpod (QLYP3VLO)