
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Randomizer

BajaBlood #7152 erinexplosives #5921
Cestrion #4612 Naii the Baf #9546

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. hyper-rando-5363 Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants Weekly Community Race (Odd Settings) | Permalink: Deg3_kiRvk2S9aEujsXUYnq0GFDpEYBAkPU-0Ams3GT9RPFqqEwkIvG2LIuR5D7t_ktF9oN9KAFH3e-t | Seed Hash: Webling Boom Entry (G77EREN6)
  2. magnificent-fortress-5649 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants DaNeENR1wLA01eY1ShwG4jlrjrHU9xo9YIOmyewSosSDzClz7xY_fopPjWcIPg4c4cO6mhxPXroCtyNrH954Af8AAOb2 | Sentinel Ingstorm Ingclaw (LYINI5OA) |
  3. tactical-lore-8239 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants DYtI3rZrjbA01eY1Mkx3Senb5vH8BxIdKDM-SVRi2uSLvAEzl6a33tJ_pWfwDsa8aTMS2kRfVprKZ7vrhy6wIQcAAPTZ Battleground Jump Site (JDPLM24N)
  4. travelling-krocuss-8502 Beat the game Finished recorded 6 entrants Weekly Community Race (Even Settings) | Permalink: DY33XJFwVrA01eYvM8LKHKOSm3i2g5fcwfoFiCVy4a1EcytQntZyeaKc5c-YOXSU8Dv_LB5LVf1YUhsAAGUc | Seed Hash: Minigyro Tree Module (65OJC4CW)
  5. clumsy-larva-2567 Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants Df5D1M_cX7A01eYvo7YOSzA4sgCv7XIofiikmKZkRIGJKVLop1Bd1W_alO8pO-d4RQE21DfVUGk1oNoAAJU- || Seed Hash: Main Double War (IPKM7XC7)
  6. brainy-darkburst-1270 Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants Weekly Community Race (Odd Settings) | Permalink: DdmWObfFo9W4Z4oufxUmoT9ar9hie9uMzSNd4AqevzjC-pgCMcaPfj70W6ui5jcfyuxqVfd1U4-kLI4X | Seed Hash: Honor Biomass Boots (SY43PRND)
  7. clumsy-chykling-8305 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants DZVgR7hDl7A01eYvOXNyRHPC07j-0-88KWp9CK0CeU3sI-MQZqZKWYqM3c-gSYy0GGs3bGabrV3AwpMAACVE || Seed Hash: Ingsmasher Sentinel Gyro (MBD3QQ4X)
  8. vanilla-sacred-8657 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants DeovR4-U4dW4Z4oukGIuJ3TAJmD7JZZYqhFc8CvQAowncB-a2oBaWivyasvTKIpzP3IB_bA_LnuhOr3X || Seed Hash: Space Bomb Hydrochamber (F5DY7FHB)
  9. casual-brooding-6134 Beat the game Finished recorded 7 entrants Weekly Community Race (Even Settings) | Permalink: DY1l3hCOJdW4Z4ovNNHA3vOSm3i2g5fcwfoFiCVy4a1EcytQntZyeaKc5c-YOXSU8Dv_LB5LVf1YUhsAAM44 | Seed Hash: Module Wasp Alcove (MXPBBDRF)
  10. mecha-ammo-6121 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants DeMVHmM6BNW4Z4olh04ioLH7XsIldsb43Kp21pd6qyEhi61x3g_pLbstCWFUJ5joB7se || Hydrodynamo Collapsed War (CUPGGOQE)