
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Randomizer

BajaBlood #7152 erinexplosives #5921
Cestrion #4612 Naii the Baf #9546

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. swag-crossroads-4035 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants wOtxK9WO6hVkvAjKlGZR7soegaz-ZIoS8L3ZxIL8CRyAzBhM / Seed Hash: Swarm Aerotrooper Grenchler (H2RQA67A)
  2. agreeable-lightbringer-0238 Beat the game Finished recorded 8 entrants Weekly Community Race (Even Settings) | Permalink: wPx4VXkDEOzs9fJg5e1a2uTNzvdnQfvvyDb2U0er2-OgnZr9 | Seed Hash: Serenity Reliquary Alpha (UFGFMQPP)
  3. disco-cache-1001 Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants woIpWNWO6hVkvAjFmfCse9QMXNSTvMUIMO38qOueHXSAzBhM || Seed Hash: O-Lir Lake Portal (KVFHLDKI)
  4. mini-hydling-0710 Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants ycuGu_k7INSsjWKtAFvP9Vo3I9eyoVBhyC_peG0yoMvV || Inglet Gloom Worker (VSYCYXTY)
  5. banzai-sandcanyon-2554 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants yNXaSFnjUIzsVbKAZc2aeuQtjhfnITuPyJa2c8eLG4Og_Vpd || Seed Hash: Ball Inglet Mastery (OPBP2TIO)
  6. trusty-underground-2176 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants xB3bUrFpJK5cE77fCDmDf7ptL7lqL7Sb2BWlCtVwtLWr || Seed Hash: Hive Underground Aerial (KRZOB2VR)
  7. classic-combat-8476 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants wdHt1R2Appu01ux4DKhdxGqItarG9uY44IiDU4mPPqoW || Seed Hash: Tank Ingstorm Torvus (B46E5DRF)
  8. innocent-ingstorm-0145 Beat the game Finished recorded 10 entrants Weekly Community Race (Odd Settings) | Permalink: wP8NbTmzsHxsZVK1IJMfXdrP05-SmWCJCIdZAA3qcLPt | Seed Hash: Underground Tank Access (WIOJ4FZB)
  9. mini-beam-3193 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants yQ5Q_70Y9qN0ThxbsYrIGfSugHq7ZvG2YJ8wXiNYWTLAjlzO || Gathering Grenchler Pond (UMACF5C4)
  10. foolish-torvus-1719 MP2R Tournament Finished not recorded 2 entrants y07t1YUaktlEuCD84di0PNL4bAggmLLmwCmqmGBo | Hall Blueroot Security (SX3K2H3Q)