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- 16:51 Zeb316#0264 has finished in 14th place with a time of 0:47:47!
- 16:51 LynxXUnlimited: drewski with the race pb? :o
- 16:51 Sforzand0: PB!
- 16:51 phatscott25#5085 has finished in 15th place with a time of 0:47:56!
- 16:51 Drewski_i: That is a a race pb
- 16:51 phatscott25: I was 15 seconds off my pb
- 16:51 phatscott25: bad run though
- 16:51 phatscott25: damnit
- 16:51 Drewski_i: still bad run, but that's okay :)
- 16:51 spacejump: PB? nice job!!
- 16:51 Drewski_i: We will continue to lower it
- 16:52 phatscott25: I swear every run I have like 5 opportunities to carry something good and then I screw up somewhere
- 16:52 Drewski_i: missed 3 jump
- 16:52 kashmod#4450 has finished in 16th place with a time of 0:48:52!
- 16:52 Drewski_i: :(
- 16:52 DirtyMike#0938 has finished in 17th place with a time of 0:48:54!
- 16:52 DirtyMike: wow lmao
- 16:52 LynxXUnlimited: ggs!
- 16:52 Dayne#1207 has finished in 18th place with a time of 0:49:04!
- 16:52 Drewski_i: ggs!!
- 16:52 stashiocat: ggs everyone
- 16:52 Omnigazer: ggs
- 16:53 Drewski_i: i actually had a pretty solid maridia too
- 16:53 Drewski_i: which makes me feel good
- 16:53 Smelon#9337 has finished in 19th place with a time of 0:49:46!
- 16:53 phatscott25: I just want a run where I can get fast pillars, is that too much to ask lmao
- 16:53 Tilimorf#9649 has finished in 20th place with a time of 0:49:54!
- 16:53 Omnigazer: it's insane how much time a bad draygon can consume
- 16:53 phatscott25: my bad draygon ate like 15 seconds off what couldve been
- 16:53 Omnigazer: missed full halfie, missed everything, then 3-sparked her, boom 25 seconds gone
- 16:53 Tilimorf: ggs
- 16:53 BrJoker#6437 has finished in 21st place with a time of 0:50:15!
- 16:54 idlechild: gg
- 16:54 Drewski_i: yeah I had a 6:02 maridia
- 16:54 Drewski_i: almost sub 6
- 16:54 Drewski_i: which is sick
- 16:54 decalled: ggs
- 16:54 Zeb316: I lost a minute to missing full halfie and the dray fight cuz I tried to kill a spider during the dray cutscene and missed the opener
- 16:54 BrJoker: thanks guys
- 16:54 phatscott25: I got full halfie just fine and was actually on pace for a best maridia segment
- 16:55 phatscott25: and then I screwed up two with blue on the 2nd spark and did like no damage lmao
- 16:55 phatscott25: I still saved 6 seconds but I could've saved 15
- 16:55 phatscott25#5085 added a comment.
- 16:55 Omnigazer#9457 added a comment.
- 16:56 idlechild#2794 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 0:52:23!
- 16:56 Drewski_i: oh yeah also
- 16:56 Bdog#9659 added a comment.
- 16:56 Drewski_i: shout out to the 20 10 gang
- 16:56 smelon: 20 10 gang
- 16:56 Omnigazer: 20 10 o/
- 16:56 Bdog: 20 10 gang
- 16:56 phatscott25: 25 10 gang
- 16:56 Sforzand0: 20 10 Gang!
- 16:56 Drewski_i: o7
- 16:56 idlechild: losing only 25 seconds at draygon is a success
- 16:56 idlechild: disaster avoided
- 16:56 Sforzand0: Where my 4-tankers at?!
- 16:56 Omnigazer: here
- 16:56 Omnigazer: o7
- 16:56 Drewski_i: o/
- 16:56 smelon: kraid tank gang
- 16:56 Drewski_i: ridley etank
- 16:57 idlechild: why not both? :)
- 16:57 idlechild: PKRD
- 16:57 idlechild: i keep forgetting to farm on the way out of LN
- 16:57 idlechild: had to "farm" crab supers
- 16:57 Sforzand0: Supers of Shame?
- 16:57 spacejump: i wanted to do 3 tank but i had to take the ridley etank
- 16:57 spacejump: then I wanted to skip botwoon etank but i forgot lol
- 16:58 susreime: GG everyone
- 16:58 Omnigazer: ok time to look who eddie picked as his champions
- 16:58 Drewski_i: ^^
- 16:58 Omnigazer: good picks
- 16:58 tonytyoung#8727 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 0:55:14!
- 16:58 Race finished in 0:55:15.1
- 16:58 ProfessorSchool#5861 added a comment.
- 16:58 decalled#8606 added a comment.
- 16:59 Sforzand0: GG Everyone
- 16:59 idlechild: ggs!
- 16:59 spacejump: gg's
- 16:59 ProfessorSchool: Yeah GGs everyone
- 16:59 phatscott25: GG
- 16:59 Omnigazer: GGs
- 16:59 Bdog: ggs
- 16:59 susreime#1365 added a comment.
- 16:59 Sforzand0: Oh yeah remembering what happened. I got the double-bad-frame spike suit attempt.
- 17:00 Sforzand0: Like what are the odds of missing it that way twice in a row?
- 17:00 ARealCutie: in a race?
- 17:00 ARealCutie: like 80%
- 17:00 idlechild: lol
- 17:00 Sforzand0: KEKW
- 17:01 Sforzand0#1168 added a comment.
- 17:02 ARealCutie#2399 added a comment.
- 17:02 Drewski_i#1168 added a comment.
- 17:05 Drewski_i: are we good to change back to normal stream
- 17:05 Drewski_i: with audio and stuff
- 17:07 Dayne#1207 added a comment.
- 17:07 Eddie: yup
- 17:08 LynxXUnlimited: PepeSuspicious
- 14:18 Race result recorded by feasel#8374