
Super Mario Odyssey

Mini #7485 Neo #9546
feasel #8374

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. tasty-bayonetta-9800 Any% Finished recorded 4 entrants
  2. perfect-rimworld-5675 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants
  3. casual-roy-6336 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants
  4. magnificent-sonic-7113 Talkatoo% Finished recorded 2 entrants
  5. brainy-star-1073 Darker Side Finished recorded 8 entrants
  6. innocent-stardrop-6121 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants
  7. pogtastic-omochao-4920 Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
  8. lazy-roy-2812 Nintedid, do the game exactly how nintendo wanted you to Finished not recorded 2 entrants
  9. gorgeous-ezlo-3355 Talkatoo% Finished recorded 4 entrants
  10. helpful-omochao-6280 Talkatoo% Finished recorded 3 entrants