
Current races

Past races

  1. sleepy-wavebeam-8285 Beat the game Finished not recorded 4 entrants SM Multiworld - tournament_full | Multiworld practice team race
  2. reliable-bubblemountain-6462 Beat the game Finished recorded 6 entrants VARIA Weekly Casual - Chozo - http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/0eead378-968c-4981-914f-911e4ad7b3a5 (POWAMP ALCOON COVERN GEEMER)
  3. silly-fastslow-4495 Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants SMD Weekly Race - Mystery Seed - http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/ecb30506-936f-4001-8f54-a5806685baa8 - ZEBBO GERUTA EVIR RIPPER
  4. snug-tatori-5020 Beat the game - Multitroid Finished not recorded 12 entrants http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/06ab29ea-5ff1-48f1-8818-02d8894d1bae
  5. wild-tripper-9507 Beat the game Finished recorded 7 entrants VARIA Weekly Casual - Mystery - http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/746ccc0a-17f8-4502-9ca6-2b5cdc071788 (GEEMER TATORI RIPPER ZOA)
  6. fearless-goldentorizo-5544 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants SMD Weekly Race - This week SMRAT - restream: https://www.twitch.tv/connectspeedruns - http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/6ae00264-dfe5-4af7-9fcc-75190f3638d1 - RIPPER YARD RINKA CHOOT
  7. lurking-spinjump-1118 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants VARIA Weekly Hard - Scavenger (10 locations, rando items, kill mb) - http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/8e43729e-2ff2-488f-8790-758c142cfe7b (RIPPER OWTCH KAGO ZOA)
  8. daring-fastmid-2222 Beat the game Finished not recorded 6 entrants SM Multiworld - casual_split | VARIA Weekly Casual - Multiworld, Major/minor
  9. hyper-bubblemountain-6624 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants SM VARIA Randomizer - ('SMRAT2021',) / SMRAT2021 - https://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/8f76061e-1683-422c-81fa-c728134e979d | SMRAT Practice Race, Single Player
  10. invincible-plasmaspark-9112 Super Metroid MW Tournament Practice Race Finished not recorded 6 entrants SM Multiworld - tournament_full | Tournament Discord & Signup Link: https://discord.com/invite/BnWED6R5a2, https://forms.gle/MPxHnEGkdgn1UcaL6