
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. lawful-walljump-6944 SMRAT Tournament Finished not recorded 4 entrants
  2. superb-goldenshower-0582 SMRAT Tournament Finished not recorded 4 entrants
  3. mysterious-squeept-1028 SMRAT Tournament Finished not recorded 4 entrants
  4. banzai-fastfast-3794 SMRAT Tournament Finished not recorded 4 entrants
  5. classic-whomplejump-2129 SMRAT Tournament Finished not recorded 4 entrants
  6. obedient-cwj-1228 Beat the game Finished recorded 4 entrants SMD weekly race - this week full HUD rando, veteran/hard - http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/5a57f50b-b81e-498c-9676-a8b93a958a0c - KAGO EVIR BEETOM CHOOT
  7. magic-kraid-2457 Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants VARIA Weekly Hard - Full rando - http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/3624a9d2-7134-4fa8-86ec-7df401cd9acf (GAMET RIPPER EVIR ZEELA)
  8. cunning-alphaspark-3008 Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants VARIA Weekiy Casual - Door color, Chozo - http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/cb360bb6-602d-457b-9bdc-e2e7f846c88a (KAGO SOVA TATORI SKREE)
  9. amused-firefleas-4085 Beat the game Finished recorded 5 entrants Weekly SMD Race - This week SMRAT settings -http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/908370d6-0ab0-45e0-bbf3-015a1551f106 - WAVER SOVA SOVA TATORI
  10. clean-etecoons-6803 SMRAT Tournament Finished not recorded 4 entrants Multitroid tourney - The Taco Tank Dodgers vs. Rando Calrissian - Match 3 - seed https://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/aa18223c-0e6f-44f0-9354-6a4550bbc628