
Current races

Past races

  1. speedy-robotnik-0965 Beat the game Finished not recorded 4 entrants
  2. scrawny-sonic-6256 Beat the game Finished recorded 3 entrants Semanal SGES 23/05/21 - SMRAT - ZOA ALCOON / SOVA GEEMER
  3. magnificent-pokey-9596 Beat the game - Multitroid Finished not recorded 10 entrants 2P VARIA Randomizer - Chozo + Door Color - https://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/ab3e6d64-1a49-4d00-948e-e58d963751f5
  4. sleepy-snorlax-7159 Beat the game - Multitroid Finished not recorded 4 entrants 2 Player / Chozo + Door Color Rando / 6PM Start / http://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/06ee9adf-94e2-480a-875d-3462cf4bf94c
  5. puzzled-cactuar-0686 Beat the game - Multiworld Finished not recorded 8 entrants SM Multiworld - tournament_split | Multiworld Randomizer Race - 6PM ET Start time
  6. snug-kirby-0708 Beat The Game - Multiworld Finished not recorded 4 entrants SM Multiworld - tournament_split
  7. graceful-shulk-1493 Beat The Game - Multiworld Finished not recorded 8 entrants SM Multiworld - tournament_full
  8. brainy-meowth-2379 Beat the game Finished recorded 2 entrants Super Metroid League Playoffs - Major - https://randommetroidsolver.pythonanywhere.com/customizer/0e36beb8-6f32-4b94-8170-812e2c679b1c - Major, Off, Off
  9. sleepy-incineroar-5227 Beat the game - Multitroid Finished not recorded 8 entrants SM Dash Randomizer - https://patch.synack.live/?patch=DASH_v10_SF_03524.bps | DASH Full
  10. scruffy-megaman-8126 Beat the game - Multitroid Finished not recorded 4 entrants SM Dash Randomizer - https://patch.synack.live/?patch=DASH_v10_SF_20930.bps | 2 Player - DASH Full | ZEELA TATORI OWTCH CHOOT