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- 17:59 SDGShawn: Yes
- 17:59 TrenteR: dhc is closed
- 17:59 BlueZy: okay
- 17:59 TrenteR: from top to bottom in cube. On, open, Closed, 4, 4, On
- 18:00 BlueZy: the cube
- 18:00 norinatto: 20 seconds
- 18:00 BlueZy: oh no my brain is turning off
- 18:00 BlueZy: help
- 18:00 norinatto: *sends help to BlueZy*
- 18:00 Ibot02: "in cube's tracker"
- 18:00 norinatto: almost live
- 18:00 TrenteR: don't send help with a countdown lul
- 18:00 BlueZy: *WAR FLASHBACKS*
- 18:00 NesmaN88: dont panic
- 18:00 Pikapals: you pray
- 18:00 Liks: what is dhc ?
- 18:00 Myth197: how do swing sword?
- 18:01 SDGShawn: How to load file pls?
- 18:01 TrenteR: how to start game?
- 18:01 JohnnytheJester: how?
- 18:01 ThyDarkHorse: which button does sword go on?!
- 18:01 TrenteR: b
- 18:01 SDGShawn: DHC Is Dark Hyrule Castle Liks
- 18:01 norinatto: We should be starting soon. GLHF!
- 18:01 Pikapals: a
- 18:01 Liks: oh ok lol
- 18:01 TrenteR: gl hf
- 18:01 BlueZy: the good part about having mic off is I can scream as much as I want
- 18:01 Ibot02#4067 removes norinatto from the race.
- 18:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:01 Liks: gl hf
- 18:01 BlueZy: yeet
- 18:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:59 Pikapals#8472 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:58:01!
- 19:59 Myth197: GG
- 19:59 TrenteR: gg
- 19:59 ThyDarkHorse: gg
- 19:59 NesmaN88: GGs
- 19:59 Pikapals: gg
- 20:00 SDGShawn: gg
- 20:00 norinatto: GG, Pikapals!
- 20:01 BlueZy: ggs
- 20:01 Aughoti: gg
- 20:07 Hendrus: gg!
- 20:08 BlueZy#0141 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:06:27!
- 20:08 TrenteR: gg
- 20:08 ThyDarkHorse: gg
- 20:08 BlueZy: gg
- 20:08 norinatto: GG, BlueZy! Will you be joining for an interview?
- 20:08 BlueZy: Yeah
- 20:08 norinatto: Thanks!
- 20:08 Pikapals: gg
- 20:09 Deoxis: gg
- 20:09 Myth197#2247 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:07:28!
- 20:09 norinatto: GG, Myth! Interview?
- 20:09 Myth197: yup 2 secs
- 20:09 norinatto: Take your time
- 20:10 NesmaN88#0831 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:08:53!
- 20:10 TrenteR: gg
- 20:10 norinatto: GG, Nesman!
- 20:11 NesmaN88: time to blast off
- 20:11 Johnny Gameshow#9974 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:09:58!
- 20:12 Johnny Gameshow#9974 added a comment: "Honestly was hoping for top 3 but I'll take being that close"
- 20:12 norinatto: Nesman and Pikapals do you want to start your race at 5 pm ET/23:00 BST, including the delay?
- 20:12 JohnnytheJester: GG All
- 20:12 NesmaN88: sounds good to me
- 20:12 norinatto: GG, Johnny!
- 20:13 Pikapals: sure, that sounds good
- 20:14 Liks: GG
- 20:30 TrenteR has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:28:39!
- 20:30 Liks: gg
- 20:30 TrenteR added a comment: "listen to your gut trent. stop listening to your brain"
- 20:31 norinatto: GG, Trent! Interview?
- 20:31 TrenteR: sure
- 20:32 BlueZy#0141 added a comment: "luck"
- 20:39 ThyDarkHorse#6439 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:37:32!
- 20:40 norinatto: GG, ThyDarkHorse1
- 20:40 ThyDarkHorse: Thanks nori!
- 20:40 Liks: gg
- 20:40 ThyDarkHorse#6439 added a comment: "I can't read :)"
- 20:40 ThyDarkHorse: ggs
- 20:44 SDGShawn#8194 has finished in 8th place with a time of 2:43:09!
- 20:45 Liks: gg
- 20:45 SDGShawn#8194 added a comment: "Im going to call that run "The Goron and The Moron". Tilted beyond words."
- 20:45 TrenteR: gg
- 20:45 norinatto: GG, Shawn! quick interview?
- 20:45 SDGShawn: Nah you can just wrap it up <3
- 20:59 Liks: Sorry but I forfeit (again) beause it's been 1 hour and an half that I'm stuck. I will try another day.
- 20:59 Liks#5884 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:04 norinatto: Sorry to hear that, Liks! I still have to finish a seed >_>
- 21:34 R Dragon#3942 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:32:55!
- 21:34 Race finished in 3:32:55.3
- 21:59 norinatto: GG, R Dragon!