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- 18:01 huffpuff1337: o/
- 18:02 Ibot02#4067 invites ArtemisMyths#9009 to join the race.
- 18:02 Ibot02#4067 promoted ArtemisMyths#9009 to race monitor.
- 18:02 Ibot02#4067 removes ArtemisMyths#9009 from the race.
- 18:03 drshocky#4644 joins the race.
- 18:05 SDGShawn#8194 joins the race.
- 18:05 SDGShawn: Im ready to lose to Myth again today :)
- 18:05 SDGShawn: o/
- 18:05 huffpuff1337: aren't we all
- 18:05 SDGShawn: ^
- 18:11 Myth197: remember you need mitts for FoW
- 18:12 Myth197: or don't and nesman your way into progression I guess
- 18:12 drshocky: nah mitts are overratted
- 18:12 SDGShawn: Remember when you forget you need mitts for FoW to look for them in FoW
- 18:16 ArtemisMyths: as a heads up, the race going on on zsr2 is set to go up until about 10 mins before this starts, so hopefully i can get everything set up in time but we might start a bit late
- 18:18 SDGShawn: No worries :)
- 18:21 ThyDarkHorse#6439 joins the race.
- 18:22 ThyDarkHorse: o/
- 18:22 Myth197: o/
- 18:22 SDGShawn: o/
- 18:31 ArtemisMyths: shocky, myth, shawn, tdh; you all good for restream? and who will have clean audio?
- 18:31 SDGShawn: Sure, No clean audio from me though :)
- 18:32 ThyDarkHorse: ok, I can have clean audio
- 18:33 drshocky: im good no clean audio from me today
- 18:46 Myth197: seed?
- 18:46 Myth197: oh yeah clean audio
- 18:46 huffpuff1337: LATE :angery:
- 18:46 Ibot02#4067 updated the race information.
- 18:51 SDGShawn#8194 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 18:54 drshocky#4644 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 18:55 huffpuff1337#4259 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 18:55 SDGShawn: Are we likely to start a little late or we all good on that front?
- 18:56 Ibot02: should be good to start on time
- 18:56 SDGShawn: Awesome
- 18:57 ThyDarkHorse#6439 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 18:57 Myth197: who's audio is being used?
- 18:57 SDGShawn: Reminder for Fast Text and autotracker if you use it :)
- 18:57 huffpuff1337: reminder for tracker settings
- 18:58 Myth197: reminder to not last location
- 18:58 SDGShawn: Reminder ignored Kappa
- 18:58 huffpuff1337: sword on cuccos reminder
- 18:59 ArtemisMyths: to start, i'll be on your audio myth
- 18:59 Myth197#2247 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:59 drshocky: GLHF everyone!!!!
- 18:59 huffpuff1337: glhf
- 18:59 SDGShawn: Good Luck Hate Fusions
- 18:59 Myth197: GLHF
- 19:00 ThyDarkHorse: good luck! have fun!
- 19:00 Ibot02#4067 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 19:00 Ibot02: gl hf
- 19:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:07 Ibot02: we're going to need to swap out tdh for huffpuff since the restream is buffering quite badly otherwise - sorry, tdh
- 19:08 ThyDarkHorse: no worries
- 19:08 SDGShawn: need me to do clean audio?
- 19:08 Ibot02: we're using myth's, so it's fine atm shawn
- 19:23 drshocky#4644 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:23:21!
- 19:24 Myth197: GG
- 19:24 SDGShawn: gg
- 19:24 drshocky#4644 has been undone from the race.
- 21:28 ThyDarkHorse#6439 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:27:47!
- 21:28 Myth197: GG
- 21:28 ThyDarkHorse: GG
- 21:28 Myth197: shame about my bug or this would have been close
- 21:28 ThyDarkHorse: bug monkaS
- 21:29 Myth197: I lost 20+ mins
- 21:29 ThyDarkHorse: oh, dang :(
- 21:29 ArtemisMyths: GG
- 21:30 ArtemisMyths: tdh, interview?
- 21:32 ThyDarkHorse: if you want, my stream kinda borked though from the sound of it
- 21:33 ArtemisMyths: yeah, you're still good to be on. just hop in waiting room
- 21:35 ThyDarkHorse: ok, I'll jump in in a little bit
- 21:38 SDGShawn#8194 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:38:26!
- 21:39 Myth197: GG
- 21:39 SDGShawn: GG
- 21:39 ThyDarkHorse: GG
- 21:39 SDGShawn#8194 added a comment.
- 21:39 cochiof: GGs shawn
- 21:40 Ibot02: gg shawn. Interview?
- 21:40 cochiof: interview?
- 21:40 SDGShawn: Sure
- 21:45 Myth197#2247 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:44:58!
- 21:46 Ibot02: gg myth. Interview?
- 21:46 Myth197: yup
- 21:49 huffpuff1337#4259 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:49:04!
- 21:49 huffpuff1337: gg
- 21:49 drshocky#4644 has forfeited from the race.
- 21:49 Race finished in 2:49:20.4
- 21:50 drshocky: GG
- 21:50 huffpuff1337#4259 added a comment: "BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN BAN"
- 21:50 ArtemisMyths: ggs
- 21:50 ArtemisMyths: interviews?
- 21:51 huffpuff1337: sure
- 21:51 drshocky: yeah let me go to the bathroom rq
- 21:52 Myth197#2247 added a comment: "rushed gyorg sub 2 hours, got a bug that prevented it dying, lost 30 minutes to it, everything else was perfect"