
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. grumpy-hyrulian-2094 Community All Sanity Team Race Finished not recorded 9 entrants MS45LjAATGVuYW1waHkzNGtFc1N3WVBLAP//f4IPcEAFAAAAAAAAAAA= | Seed Hash: Niko 'hoy
  2. banzai-joanna-9273 CTMC & Path Hints Finished not recorded 3 entrants
  3. graceful-makar-9058 Trying out lookout platforms with CTMC Finished not recorded 2 entrants using the 1.9.7d build
  4. gentle-komali-5048 Standard Race (Season 4) Finished recorded 4 entrants MS45LjAAS3dhbGxhRGdjQUtkcGRFZAAFCyIAD3DAAgAAAAAAAQAA | Seed Hash: Zill Medli
  5. speedy-olivio-2840 Defeat Ganon (Random Settings Testing) Finished not recorded 2 entrants https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_FfEmW6TNnKhm5ix-4-YDWArEhgX-tuU/view?usp=sharing build | Random Settings Race | Seed Name: 269630900 | Seed Hash: Aldo Rito
  6. eager-seahat-8353 Stab Ganon with maybe CTMC Finished not recorded 4 entrants
  7. dazzling-moblin-2098 Standard Race (Season 4) Finished recorded 2 entrants MS45LjAAU3B5dHJvbjhBR1VhdnJBV2MABQsiAA9wwAIAAAAAAAEAAA== | Seed Hash: Jan Korok
  8. mega-garrickson-7529 WWR Async #Hell, I mean 7 Finished not recorded 3 entrants
  9. wild-salvatore-9863 Standard Race (Season 4) Finished recorded 4 entrants MS45LjAAQWR2b2NhdGVIWHlVZm5xYjhjAAULIgAPcMACAAAAAAABAAA= | Seed Hash: Woods Anton
  10. odd-gohma-6642 Fun Race Finished recorded 2 entrants Async Week 6: Swordless Dungeons