
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. crazy-niko-3162 1.9.6 CTMC + Hints Finished not recorded 2 entrants Permalink: MS45LjYASHlydWxlRm9vbGlzaAAFAyIAH+CABwYCAMY8AEAPAAAA | Seed Hash: Morth Anton
  2. hungry-kogoli-3065 1.9.6 S4 no subs + 4DRM CTMC and KoRL Hints Start with Telescope and Dungeon Maps/Compasses Finished not recorded 2 entrants Permalink: MS45LjYANDIwNjlsb2xuaWNlAAUDIgAf4IAHBgIAxjwAQA8AAAA=
  3. graceful-kreeb-3163 1.9.6 CTMC + Hints Finished not recorded 4 entrants
  4. magic-ilari-0217 1.9.6 S4 no subs + 4DRM CTMC and KoRL Hints Start with Telescope and Dungeon Maps/Compasses Finished not recorded 3 entrants Permalink: MS45LjYAV2hlblRoZXlBcmVSYWNpbmdQb2dCb25lcwAFAyIAH+CABwYCAMY8AEAPAAAA Seed Hash: Ganon Oakin
  5. lazy-rito-0786 1.9.6 Custom settings with CTMC + KORL hints | Start w/ Tele & sword (no shield) + maps/compasses Finished not recorded 5 entrants MS45LjYARlpPT1RSUGxheVdXUgAPAyIAH2CABwYCAMY8AEAPAAAA : 4 DRM - Gifts - Mails - Misc - Fairies - Island puzzles - Combat caves (Start at xx:30)
  6. helpful-molgera-2216 Spoiler Log Race Finished recorded 2 entrants Settings: preset-c (Swordless) | MS45LjAAQ3J5c3RhbEJlbGxpNTVqcDZXMlNCcQAXAyYCD5DAAgAAAAAAAAAA | Seed Hash: Aldo Jan
  7. cute-korok-2004 1.9.6 S4 no subs + 4DRM CTMC and KoRL Hints Start with Telescope and Dungeon Maps/Compasses Finished not recorded 3 entrants Permalink: MS45LjYAV29yZGxlQ29uc3VtZWRVcwAFAyIAH+CABwYCAMY8AEAPAAAA | Seed Hash: Zora Linda
  8. clever-oakin-5948 Defeat tanjo3 Finished not recorded 4 entrants MS45LjYAVXR0ZXJTdWJsaW1lV2hpcHBlcnNuYXBwZXIAFwMgAJ9ggAcEAgAAAABAACAAAA==
  9. calm-hoskit-0393 Fun Race Finished recorded 6 entrants CTMC + KORL Hints!
  10. virtual-abe-1180 CTMC + KoRL hints + customs settings Finished not recorded 2 entrants MS45LjYAVGFsa2luZ0ZyZW5jaFp1a28AFQMGAB/ggAkGAiDGPABADyAAAA==