The Wind Waker Randomizer
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- smart-bahamut-2963 Standard Race (Season 3) Finished recorded 6 entrants MS44LjAAT3V0ZG9vckFsaWtlSW5zdHJ1bWVudAAXAwQATjDAHAAAAAAAAAA=
- legendary-robotnik-6973 Standard Race (Season 3) Finished recorded 5 entrants
- splendid-cactuar-5290 Standard Race (Season 3) Finished recorded 2 entrants MS44LjAAQW50b25Qb21waWVWZXJhVmV4Y3JhdGUAFwMEAE4wwBgAAAAAAAAA
- lurking-lootbox-5461 Plando - Defeat Ganon Finished not recorded 3 entrants MS44LjAATG9va0FGcm9nABcDBABOEMAcAAAAAAAAAA==
- lurking-megaman-3935 Fun Race Finished recorded 6 entrants FunRace (Minigames) | MS44LjAAV2VsY29tZVRvSGVsbEJ5Q3VicwCXAwQATnDAHAAAAAAAAAA=
- magic-inkling-1330 Standard Race (Season 3) Finished recorded 2 entrants Plando 20 minutes to plan
- swag-luigi-8998 Standard Race (Season 3) Finished recorded 6 entrants MS44LjAAVGhlVmV4Um9nYW5FeHBlcmllbmNlABcDBABOMMAYAAAAAAAAAA==
- lawful-tonberry-5357 Plandomizer - Defeat Ganon Finished not recorded 2 entrants MS44LjAAUGxhbmRvbmthUwAXAwQAThDAHAAAAAAAAAA=
- elegant-zip-6206 All-Sanity, Defeat Ganon Finished not recorded 3 entrants MS44LjAATWFueUNoZWNrc0ZvclRoaXNUdWVzZGF5AP//f4IPcEAMAAAAAAAAAA==
- crazy-princess-4164 Plandomizer - Defeat Ganondorf Finished not recorded 4 entrants MS44LjAATm90b3Jpb3VzVkVYABcDBABOEMAYAAAAAAAAAA==
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