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Race results

  1. agreeable-nitemare-9862 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Brenttro #8241 he / him more 3 dmk, 4 atec, 3 meadow farm, 1 teana 2nd on accident Finished 59
    2. 2nd 'Final Boss' UMI #6849 he / him Finished 12
    3. 3rd loomer #5428 he / him more Peggy was not nice today. 3 Scams and MBD'd me 3 times. Dropped 0 MM so I through mages with 2 DT and 1 DE. Won 7 Dark Magician's from meadow xD Finished 1
    4. 4th Harpsichord #9836 he / him Finished 4
    5. Raf_pou #8954 DNF 11
    6. "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 DNF 8
    7. Codorna #2984 more Nitemare started metalzoa, then top decked ultimate... I love this game DNF 8
    8. sleepyoberon #2614 he / him DNF 2
  2. lurking-meteorbdragon-4807 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st loomer #5428 he / him Finished 20
    2. 2nd Neczin #0322 he / him more 0/2 start, 1 atec campaign, 1 atec kaiba, 2 atecs free duel. 1 MM 3 BC 1 DT 1 WSR 1 DCJ 1 MBD 3 DM. Seto3 started Sanga and Darknite started Meteor Drag Finished 10
    3. 3rd (deleted user) more Seto 3 is poop, nice race! Finished 5
    4. 4th Secret Italian Supercat #7302 he / him more Pretty bad WT and A-Tecs, Meadow was okay, mages were mediocre, start was okay. Ended up a fairly middle of the road run Finished 18
    5. "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 more I'm glad everyone had such good luck :) DNF 9
    6. 'Final Boss' UMI #6849 he / him DNF 6
  3. classic-widespreadruin-4683 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st loomer #5428 he / him more very smooth run. peggy finally didn't scam but he didn't drop a mm. 7 equips and 1 meadow farm dropped mbd. top decked mbd on seto or I was dead. got lucky Finished 8
    2. Neczin #0322 he / him DNF 4
    3. (deleted user) more Espero de coração nunca mais abrir esse jogo. DNF 4
    4. sleepyoberon #2614 he / him more rip to seto 3rd, expected shit DNF 4
  4. scruffy-bskulldragon-8542 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st sleepyoberon #2614 he / him more im a dumbass, could of beaten seto 3rd sooner, overthinking takes over T-T Finished 13
    2. loomer #5428 he / him DNF 10
    3. rickyjay ghost of fm past #5781 DNF 2
    4. ItsBRN #0440 more RiP Heishin DNF 2
  5. secret-secmeton-7514 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st zigfried #8730 Finished 13
    2. 2nd loomer #5428 he / him more Somehow this deck finished. WT was good, peggy derailed the run with 3 scamtecs. Like 20 meadow farms until I got an MBD and SK Finished 4
    3. sleepyoberon #2614 he / him DNF 6
    4. ItsBRN #0440 DNF 3
  6. casual-widespreadruin-2864 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Dex #9302 he / him more One of the most fun decks I've ever played. 3 SK, 3 Zoa, 1 Dark Energy, 3 Bright Castle, 1 Sword of Dark Destruction, 1 Black Pendant, 1 MM, 1 Yami. And once again, winning against Flopsie. Finished 20
    2. 2nd (deleted user) more 3x DMK, 3x Villager 2, 1 morte Seto 3, POREM, é us tutubinha. Finished 11
    3. 3rd Codorna #2984 more weird AF race Finished 8
    4. 4th "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 more I felt bad for Dex, so I let him win this time. I'm such a good person. :) Finished 1
    5. 5th FabuTK #1064 more No ATEC, 5 equips, V2 4 thunders 2 duels 0 removals Finished 1
    6. loomer #5428 he / him DNF 14
    7. Neczin #0322 he / him DNF 9
    8. zigfried #8730 DNF 5
    9. sleepyoberon #2614 he / him more couldnt get a trap until like 1 hour and 10 mins in DNF 3
    10. ItsBRN #0440 DNF 1
  7. magic-forest-2306 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Codorna #2984 more 1 death at Heishin, 2MM and 4 equips, seto and nitemare EZ modes Finished 18
    2. 2nd "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 more This game is unmitigated garbagio. Finished 6
    3. 3rd loomer #5428 he / him more Everything went wrong. Couldn't find a trap, failed a-tecs, losing to meadow mage LOL Finished 6
    4. zigfried #8730 more this game sucks 5 atec peggy 3 scan fm lixo DNF 6
    5. sleepyoberon #2614 he / him more YGO forbidden memories? More like YGO forbidden sucks! Nah jk we try again next time fr fr. DNF 5
    6. ItsBRN #0440 more ggwp rip ~nitemare DNF 2
  8. lucky-dorover-4087 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st loomer #5428 he / him more one kaiba a-tec dropped as many equips as all of the peggy one's. meadow farming only dropped a skull knight and a couple of tier 2's. very smooth f7 though Finished 16
    2. 2nd Andilulu #9166 he / him more Finished on 2:06:38, but racetime was down for minutes lul. Got 2 CC on Kaiba Atec :D Finished 28
    3. "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 more Accidentally backed out of the menu right before final 7, and lost all my meadow farm, and the last two shrines, and had to redo them. x.x DNF 8
  9. lawful-gateguardian-3108 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st (deleted user) more Pouco texto, muito espanco. Finished 13
    2. 2nd Dex #9302 he / him more A-Tec Kaiba proving to be a scam once again. 1 A-TEC dropped a dark energy, and 1 BCD mage soldier dropped 3 dark energies. Died to Nitemare once. Finished 3
    3. 3rd sleepyoberon #2614 he / him more i made so many mistakes but thank god i won in the end LETS GO BABY Finished 3
    4. loomer #5428 he / him DNF 18
    5. yurisalgadin #4431 DNF 10
  10. outrageous-martis-7521 YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st loomer #5428 he / him Finished 16
    2. 2nd Neczin #0322 he / him Finished 6
    3. 3rd Martins_Fernando #4781 Finished 9
    4. Dex #9302 he / him more 2 b-tec because trap last card twice and 3 very slow a-tec for 1MM, 1 equip, 1 WSR and 3 DCJ. Run died on Heishin. DNF 9
    5. "Tutorial Boss" Flopsie #2402 more MBD'd by peggy, BSD'd by isis, no drops from anyone until egypt 2. Just.... a bad time. DNF 7
    6. (deleted user) DNF 6
    7. zigfried #8730 DNF 1
    8. ItsBRN #0440 DNF 3