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KH2FM Rando All Blue Numbers Finished recorded 3 entrants
- 1st serenoa #0909 more feels dome man Finished 43
- 2nd Mett #1465 more badge seed Finished 4
- 3rd roromaniac #3152 he / him Finished 2
KH2FM Rando Crit Any% Finished recorded 6 entrants
- 1st JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him more Did data larxene before oc1 Finished 8
- 2nd Bulcon #4288 he / him more HandShake Finished 3
- 3rd Raiden #1327 more sp2 why Finished 1
- 4th shadowjc32 #1798 they / them Finished 2
- — roromaniac #3152 he / him DNF 12
- — serenoa #0909 more Im dnfing because i tried to hard force final and i didnt get it until the tenth try :) DNF 34
KH2FM Rando All Blue Numbers Finished recorded 7 entrants
- 1st serenoa #0909 more 4 minutes of deaths oof Finished 95
- 2nd Mett #1465 Finished 11
- 3rd Slimba #1627 he / him Finished 2,562
- 4th Ragna #7822 he / him Finished 1
- 5th roromaniac #3152 he / him Finished 58
- 6th iTeoh #4524 he / him more glide 2 at 1 hour and 15 poggers Finished 41
- — Double #0640 he / him DNF 160
KH2FM Rando Crit Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants
- 1st roromaniac #3152 he / him more Death cycled on Cor and AX2 since no SC. Finished 38
- — Raiden #1327 DNF 17
- — Aurrun #4489 he / him DNF 11
KH2FM Rando All Blue Numbers Finished recorded 3 entrants
- 1st Raiden #1327 Finished 4
- 2nd roromaniac #3152 he / him Finished 29
- 3rd Kayya #3893 he / him Finished 30
KH2FM Rando All Blue Numbers Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st roromaniac #3152 he / him more forgot you can level wisdom on FF fights... would have saved me some time Finished 56
- — Zatamataz #0250 DNF 20
KH2FM Rando Crit Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Raiden #1327 Finished 2
- — roromaniac #3152 he / him DNF 6
KH2FM Rando All Blue Numbers Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st roromaniac #3152 he / him Finished 51
- — Kayya #3893 he / him DNF 31
KH2FM Rando Boss/Enemy 1 Hour Challenge Finished not recorded 6 entrants
- 1st Zeddikus #8816 Finished
- 2nd roromaniac #3152 he / him Finished
- 3rd CrazyComics #4077 he / him Finished
- 4th DeeAyy #0529 Finished
- 5th JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him Finished
- 6th Mett #1465 Finished
KH2FM Rando Boss/Enemy 1 Hour Challenge Finished not recorded 3 entrants
- 1st iTeoh #4524 he / him Finished
- 2nd Zeddikus #8816 Finished
- 3rd roromaniac #3152 he / him Finished
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