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Race results

  1. neutral-lettuce-2763 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Ice wasn't needed this time UwU. Finished 97
    2. 2nd NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more if i ever see a red door again ill lose it Finished 11
    3. 3rd Gorodor #6211 Finished 2
    4. 4th Eppy37 #6153 he / him Finished 14
    5. 5th S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 9
    6. 6th sgrunt #1724 he / him more One does not simply walk past the spospo item. Finished 249
  2. crafty-abysmal-3035 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more i lost so hard that i wrapped back to the top Finished 23
    2. 2nd S_Skyhawk #1670 more Stupid spring ball Finished 17
    3. 3rd Eppy37 #6153 he / him more Bombs cost me a bit of time... Finished 4
    4. 4th Inven #8827 he / him Finished 652
    5. 5th Gorodor #6211 Finished 7
    6. 6th Cygnus421 #9238 Finished 254
    7. 7th meteor9 #2376 he / him more GEE I WONDER IF THE ROOMS WERE LONG ENOUGH Finished 16
    8. 8th Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Actually fun escape after going through the pain of everything else. Finished 73
    9. 9th Fiendzy #1337 Finished 19
    10. 10th sevenfortyfour #7916 he / him more yall cheat Finished 35
  3. adequate-stun-5763 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Eppy37 #6153 he / him more Let there be Pitchforks for Darkfor Finished 14
    2. 2nd S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 20
    3. 3rd meteor9 #2376 he / him more ohhhh that room Finished 9
    4. 4th AlexClassics #9620 he / him more Secret Elevators! Finished 5
    5. 5th Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more That Termintor room sure is unfaithful to the original. Finished 8
    6. 6th sevenfortyfour #7916 he / him more sad beed Finished 67
    7. 7th NolamiAmada #0307 she / her Finished 18
    8. Gorodor #6211 DNF 27
  4. fearless-suspicious-9794 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st AlexClassics #9620 he / him more LENO!! Finished 24
    2. 2nd Eppy37 #6153 he / him Finished 5
    3. 3rd Gorodor #6211 more I missed bombs for forever Finished 5
    4. 4th NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more i will make spaghetti out of lenos digestive system Finished 2,588
    5. 5th Lenophis #8892 Finished 9
    6. 6th S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 10
    7. Fleury14 #2147 he / him more what a colossal waste of my time DNF 14
    8. Avesneakz #8218 DNF 6
  5. dazzling-spock-1354 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Eppy37 #6153 he / him more Bypassed Skyhawk on Brain Finished 14
    2. 2nd S_Skyhawk #1670 more Buttons were my weakness Finished 19
    3. 3rd meteor9 #2376 he / him more I AM A GENIUS! OH NO- Finished 8
    4. 4th NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more concidering the trainwreck of a start 4th was a miracle Finished 2,588
    5. 5th Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Getting Space Jump means being dead last which I didn't get ;). Finished 23
    6. 6th Fleury14 #2147 he / him Finished 8
    7. 7th Gorodor #6211 more Yay blue screen :) Finished 24
    8. 8th sevenfortyfour #7916 he / him more maze seed Finished 21
  6. fortunate-samos-0641 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st AlexClassics #9620 he / him more 17,820 Seguru Finished 29
    2. 2nd meteor9 #2376 he / him more I got nothin'! Finished 22
    3. 3rd Eppy37 #6153 he / him more Best Beam, 12/10 Finished 3
    4. 4th S_Skyhawk #1670 more 19k seg stole from mst Finished 14
    5. 5th Fleury14 #2147 he / him Finished 37
    6. 6th MetroidMst #3826 more 14478 Seguru Finished 29
    7. 7th NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more Heatwave hit Ridley as well aparently Finished 8
    8. 8th Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Wheres Tourian the game. Finished 85
    9. 9th sevenfortyfour #7916 he / him more didn't come in last! Finished 47
    10. 10th Gorodor #6211 more Can't win without BEST BEAM Finished 30
    11. StardustNova #3274 she / her DQ 71
  7. vanilla-missile-6013 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Gorodor #6211 more Pro gamer? Finished 18
    2. 2nd AlexClassics #9620 he / him Finished 11
    3. 3rd Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Spring Ball is optional in spirit. Finished 20
    4. 4th NolamiAmada #0307 she / her Finished 5
    5. 5th S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 8
    6. 6th Fleury14 #2147 he / him Finished 14
  8. scrawny-high-0200 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st MetroidMst #3826 more 13644 Seguru Finished 23
    2. 2nd Fleury14 #2147 he / him Finished 68
    3. 3rd AlexClassics #9620 he / him more Deadly escape Finished 11
    4. 4th Gorodor #6211 Finished 4
    5. 5th NolamiAmada #0307 she / her Finished 2
    6. 6th Eppy37 #6153 he / him more enough with the BS Anti-Phazon rooms Finished 13
    7. 7th S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 2
    8. 8th Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Wrecked Ship strikes back yet again. Finished 186
    9. 9th Whalerynth #3148 Finished 365
    10. Fiendzy #1337 DNF 34
  9. graceful-beam-3623 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 9 entrants
    1. 1st Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Phazon is the greatest core when it works. Finished 266
    2. 2nd meteor9 #2376 he / him more Despite 3 trips through long enoughs, Finished 23
    3. 3rd Eppy37 #6153 he / him Finished 1
    4. 4th S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 11
    5. 5th AlexClassics #9620 he / him more Room knowledge needed! Finished 6
    6. 6th Fleury14 #2147 he / him Finished 27
    7. 7th Gorodor #6211 Finished 18
    8. 8th NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more hard mode was a mistake Finished 24
    9. 9th Cygnus421 #9238 Finished 112
  10. dizzy-multiviola-0324 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st AlexClassics #9620 he / him more But wait, there's more! Finished 17
    2. 2nd Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Wheres morph ball the game. Finished 8
    3. 3rd Cygnus421 #9238 Finished 438
    4. 4th S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 17