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Race results

  1. kind-authorized-8999 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st NolamiAmada #0307 she / her Finished 12
    2. 2nd S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 6
    3. 3rd Gorodor #6211 more I prefer the other start :) Finished 5
    4. 4th Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more So yeah found Ridley through Brinstar and also forgot that Kraid didn't exist. Finished 11
    5. 5th Winterlune #1374 she / her Finished 1
    6. 6th kINGBOWSER #0298 Finished 21
  2. powerful-environmental-7097 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Okay could've finished the world 20 minutes ago, also optional Bombs and Varia with all 10 E-Tanks BTW. Finished 12
    2. 2nd Eppy37 #6153 he / him more 12 out of 10, would seed again Finished 7
    3. 3rd S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 2,690
    4. 4th NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more the worst seed ive played in my 300+ planets seeds Finished 11
    5. 5th Phenoix12 #3890 Finished 34
    6. 6th Winterlune #1374 she / her Finished 13
    7. TheLabotsirk #9710 he / him more Not really feeling up to it tonight :/ Sorry DNF 21
    8. Detective Spooky Lucario #7399 DNF 30
  3. frantic-bubble-6618 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more So yeah thx odd secret path and also Spring Ball skip. Finished 13
    2. 2nd meteor9 #2376 he / him more i am so very lucky i've been trapped in practice penumbra seeds before Finished 15
    3. 3rd S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 3
    4. 4th NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more mYUU Finished 6
    5. 5th Winterlune #1374 she / her Finished 16
    6. 6th Fleury14 #2147 he / him Finished 3
    7. 7th Land of Heros 2234 #7141 he / him more Imagine disregarding an Item Check only for it to be Bombs Finished 13
    8. 8th SliderZero #3958 more So much lost time on that room... Finished 54
    9. 9th Gorodor #6211 Finished 20
    10. 10th Phenoix12 #3890 Finished 25
    11. TheLabotsirk #9710 he / him more Had to leave early DNF 59
  4. charming-turbo-4298 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Gorodor #6211 Finished 16
    2. 2nd S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 3
    3. 3rd NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more the other seed was better Finished 9
    4. 4th kINGBOWSER #0298 more Dang it Ridley Finished 16
    5. 5th Winterlune #1374 she / her Finished 12
    6. 6th AstroTibs #9011 more I'll tell you where to shove that Unassuming Tower Finished 26
  5. mecha-lettuce-1542 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more I really am molded by Connect Vs. with two amazingly dangerous death counters. Finished 13
    2. 2nd NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more 5 area seed lol Finished 5
    3. 3rd Eppy37 #6153 he / him Finished 2
    4. 4th S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 6
    5. 5th Winterlune #1374 she / her more Lost a bunch of time to a comabt room with a geemer stuck in the door XD Finished 6
    6. 6th Phenoix12 #3890 Finished 19
    7. 7th kINGBOWSER #0298 more Dang it Hyka Finished 23
    8. Detective Spooky Lucario #7399 more I walked right by bombs. DNF 98
  6. overpowered-surge-2001 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 12 entrants
    1. 1st NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more gambled so hard that twitch wouldve banned me for it, missing 5 whole majors Finished 11
    2. 2nd Winterlune #1374 she / her more Faster seed then expected~! Finished 47
    3. 3rd meteor9 #2376 he / him more i literally scanned the tourian elevator tube how did i forget to *go* there Finished 8
    4. 4th S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 2
    5. 5th Gorodor #6211 more Where was surge core?! Finished 1
    6. 6th Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Okay I see now why Amada won, didn't get long or spazer until after Kraid and Spore Spawn.. Finished 14
    7. 7th Detective Spooky Lucario #7399 more Penumbra's mean. :( Finished 453
    8. 8th SliderZero #3958 more Brain was NOT Amusing. Otherwise Jet Seed w/ poor routing Finished 68
    9. 9th lorddarkfor #7623 Finished 11
    10. 10th Phenoix12 #3890 Finished 25
    11. 11th TheLabotsirk #9710 he / him more Welp Finished 50
    12. sevenfortyfour #7916 he / him more delete the mother brain room DNF 36
  7. fearless-mccoy-2761 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 15
    2. 2nd NolamiAmada #0307 she / her Finished 4
    3. 3rd Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Now I know why no Mouse Pipes tagged rooms spawned at all because FUNNY BRAIN. Finished 3
    4. 4th Gorodor #6211 Finished 2,434
    5. 5th kINGBOWSER #0298 Finished 19
    6. 6th Winterlune #1374 she / her Finished 8
    7. 7th AstroTibs #9011 Finished 7
    8. Murphmario #7402 DNF 200
  8. swag-space-9171 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 16
    2. 2nd Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Who needs Spring Ball anyways, took me about five attempts to do it. Finished 4
    3. 3rd Winterlune #1374 she / her more Learned a new Brain room~! Finished 42
    4. 4th Gorodor #6211 more Wreckless doesn't eual winning Finished 3
    5. 5th NolamiAmada #0307 she / her more imagine running out of missiles against mother brain when you wouldve got 3rd otherwise Finished 13
    6. 6th meteor9 #2376 he / him more STOP WITH THE SPRING LOCKS Finished 8
    7. 7th Phenoix12 #3890 Finished 31
    8. 8th sevenfortyfour #7916 he / him more dying at mother brain while its exploding is fun Finished 4
    9. 9th Detective Spooky Lucario #7399 Finished 9
    10. 10th SliderZero #3958 more Room Knowledge fail screws me again. Otherwise Fun and easy seed Finished 88
  9. helpful-enigma-7999 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st Winterlune #1374 she / her more Had some galaxy brain today~! Finished 60
    2. 2nd NolamiAmada #0307 she / her Finished 2
    3. 3rd S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 5
    4. 4th Phenoix12 #3890 Finished 89
    5. 5th Murphmario #7402 Finished 332
    6. 6th kINGBOWSER #0298 Finished 8
    7. 7th AstroTibs #9011 Finished 22
    8. 8th Gorodor #6211 Finished 27
  10. cunning-movement-1046 Planets Enigma Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Hyka_Star #6056 they / them more Three major Tourian world being a first all because of my new room, very rat very mouse. Finished 13
    2. 2nd NolamiAmada #0307 she / her Finished 3
    3. 3rd S_Skyhawk #1670 Finished 1
    4. 4th Eppy37 #6153 he / him Finished 8
    5. 5th Winterlune #1374 she / her more Rudest Tourian Bombs Ever Finished 6
    6. 6th kINGBOWSER #0298 more Bad game. Play T-Metroid rom hack instead Finished 32