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Race results
BFM Glitchless Finished recorded 5 entrants
- 1st Furopen #2931 Finished 1,651
- 2nd Pianoman7117 #1718 he / him Finished 373
- 3rd zacharylawrence #2076 Finished 150
- 4th Oparporia212 #5972 Finished 207
- 5th SlySwooper #9279 Finished 372
BFM Any% Finished recorded 5 entrants
- 1st Rilik #3921 he / him Finished 948
- 2nd zacharylawrence #2076 more had to reset console, adjusted final time: 2:07:54. 26:42 enter with failed wind tunnel Finished 74
- 3rd Pianoman7117 #1718 he / him Finished 99
- 4th Oparporia212 #5972 Finished 284
- 5th Furopen #2931 Finished 421
BFM Glitchless Finished recorded 8 entrants
- 1st zacharylawrence #2076 more 5 minutes lost on wind jump, should've been a low 3:06 Finished 1,544
- 2nd Pianoman7117 #1718 he / him more Steamwood 2 KEKW Finished 1,189
- 3rd Berris #4498 Finished 881
- 4th Rilik #3921 he / him Finished 584
- — Oparporia212 #5972 DNF 274
- — PowerForge #4392 more DNF 277
- — Protokami_ #6314 he / him DNF 278
- — Sh0rtCircuit #4466 he / him DNF 277