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  1. cunning-luthor-1211 N64Mania Body Harvest Finished not recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st poptart_cat #2549 more the firemen know where a fire is at all times. they know this because they know where the fire isn't. Finished
    2. 2nd Remnant #3181 more You killed the villagers before the aliens could harvest them! You get a bonus! Finished
    3. 3rd Giga #0889 he / him more Windmill guy is a direct descendant of that guy who loved to grind grain from Hercules: The Legendary Journeys Finished
    4. 4th TossedFish #4610 more Everyday I'm shufflin (w/ Rumpus) media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcWU1Z2FhNzd2MnpzNnRzbTMwZGV0anU2NTd3ajYwZ295N3gxejU2eCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Ija2p3OOCkoF0RjD40/giphy.gif Finished
    5. Altermentality #7078 she / her more The chosen one, John Bodyharvest DNF
    6. sp0ck1 #7823 more Guess I have more of an incentive to use the save beacons now... DNF
    7. Tomorrow #3561 he / they more Guess I have more of an incentive to get an Everdrive now... DNF
  2. saucy-daddy-1215 Misc Pokemon Games Mystery side race Finished not recorded 19 entrants
    1. 1st Halfbeasty #9608 he / him more Round 3 was actually guaranteed. Finished
    2. 2nd JTB #2959 more get owed krohn Finished
    3. 3rd BTaggerung #1426 he / him more fun games, fun race Finished
    4. 4th Pikapals #8472 he / him more Successfully got roped into yard work for about 45 minutes while lawnmowing, remembered how to mow better than how to streem though Finished
    5. 5th TWW2 #3912 he / him more Orbs is an excellent game. 10/10. No comments. 38:33 Streemerz, 28:10 lawnmower, 53:52 orbs. Finished
    6. 6th Zirunlol #5269 more 1:04:19 Streemerz, 21:24 Lawn Mower, 42:21 Orb-3D. Lawn Mower was the only good game. Finished
    7. 7th hagspam #5531 Finished
    8. 8th shoehorse #0163 he / him more Can't wait for Orb-3D 99 Finished
    9. 9th Scela #5717 more get your goddamn ducks in a row Finished
    10. 10th Djibouti #9834 more Mowin my lawn, Ducks in a row, streeming HUGE Finished
    11. 11th forstycup #7742 she / her more 51m Streemerz. 31m Lawn. 1h2m orb3d. Hook was better. Finished
    12. 12th Nasty #7995 more Orbs was certainly an experience Finished
    13. 13th Planeswater #6664 he / they more Ducks% Finished
    14. 14th MegaPatches #4385 he / him Finished
    15. a1alejandro #6320 he / him DNF
    16. Frimelda #9972 he / him DNF
    17. Giga #0889 he / him more Internet decided to act up and I had to leave soon, but finished Streemerz and that's a quality game DNF
    18. Niamek #6871 more Not going to play through a game this awful (Orb 3D) DNF
    19. Vash #6433 more ball 3D can suck my balls in 3D DNF
  3. sunken-nutta-7169 N64Mania GT 64: Championship Edition Finished not recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st Giga #0889 he / him more The Supreme Court was there. Not much else of note Finished
    2. 2nd riocoys #8957 more Braking strats vs. running in wall strats pretty equivalent Finished
    3. 3rd poptart_cat #2549 Finished
    4. 4th shoehorse #0163 he / him more COCK Finished
    5. 5th sp0ck1 #7823 more I mean, that was pretty good Finished
    6. 6th Remnant #3181 more None of the buttons go forward Finished
    7. 7th TossedFish #4610 more Lawn Mower Sim, now with authentic lawn mower noises and GT skins - https://media.giphy.com/media/IJibSY8IczMl0zXaH1/giphy.gif Finished
  4. mega-piranha-0730 Pape Pokemon Games 5 Golden Lil' Oinks Finished not recorded 68 entrants
    1. 1st JTB #2959 more the reverse daro Finished
    2. 2nd AuroraWyn #9373 more Emu is meaning smile :) Finished
    3. 3rd Schaden #8790 Finished
    4. 4th forstycup #7742 she / her more 5 pigs in 17:34. Hook is a better game Finished
    5. 5th Pikapals #8472 he / him more Thanks piepers luck for saving me from the shire Finished
    6. 6th Vash #6433 Finished
    7. 7th Pancakeminez #5255 more Best golden pigs I've ever done Finished
    8. 8th squiggly #8707 more BLESS THE PIGGIES FOR FREEING ME FROM ROUND 2 Finished
    9. 9th Scela #5717 Finished
    10. 10th Flant #0182 more WHO'S GONNA ROCK THE PLACE Finished
    11. 11th Altermentality #7078 she / her more RIP Racetime Finished
    12. 12th Karsh #8543 he / him Finished
    13. 13th Sonicshadowsilver2 #0984 she / her Finished
    14. 14th TeensiesKing #7208 he / him Finished
    15. 15th BowlinJim #8458 he / him Finished
    16. 16th Yardo #1196 Finished
    17. 17th Yables #2624 more Actual time of 30:36. Site crashed and couldn't click done for 3 minutes. Finished
    18. 18th crazyp4l #4168 Finished
    19. 19th ROT8 #8936 more The game was pigged from the start Finished
    20. 20th toburr #2847 he / him Finished
    21. 21st cloakingwolf7579 #2384 more somebody check jtb's game files Finished
    22. 22nd TWW2 #3912 he / him more First 999 coin reset: zero pigs - First pig of next life is gold Finished
    23. 23rd Hitaka #4997 he / him more WE BROKE RACETIME LET'S GOOOOOO Finished
    24. 24th Geno #3461 more first 4 pigs in 10:28 lmao Finished
    25. 25th UniversalGiant #2347 he / him Finished
    26. 26th MegaPatches #4385 he / him more actual time was not that but it finally let me back in the site. 27:41 Finished
    27. 27th JohnEBoy #6793 more Miyamoto patched out my golden pigs Finished
    28. 28th Giga #0889 he / him more 5th pig coming in after the forfeit in time for Star Soldier, let's go Finished
    29. 29th McDizzle #7057 Finished
    30. 30th stuckaduck #3581 he / him Finished
    31. 31st Zirunlol #5269 more Took like 15 minutes to get a silver, game sux Finished
    32. 32nd TheRealJeff #6137 more So many silvers... Also clutched it before having to reset a 2nd time! Finished
    33. 33rd Ninban #5207 more actually 26:02 but racetime crashed Finished
    34. 34th NekoinALydian #6713 she / they more The Alcohol didnt help my rng :( Finished
    35. 35th TurtleFrenzy #3195 more 1:05:17 Finished
    36. AbscondWithAPie #3766 more I am free of the pokemon games DNF
    37. Alanim #6677 DNF
    38. BTaggerung #1426 he / him more 1 pig at 1 min, 3 pigs at 40, pigs win this round >:( DNF
    39. CoreZero #5444 he / him more dumb meme still dumb DNF
    40. CreekSmall #6622 DNF
    41. Djibouti #9834 DNF
    42. Fluffnir #4947 DNF
    43. GCowboy5886 #2673 he / him DNF
    44. GenericallyNamed #1005 DNF
    45. hagspam #5531 DNF
    46. Ionic Karma #3034 DNF
    47. iycewynd #9789 he / him DNF
    48. KHZard #1435 he / him DNF
    49. lightorias #9019 DNF
    50. LupisDragon #2366 he / him DNF
    51. Majarkin #2474 he / him DNF
    52. MoonDeac #7334 he / him DNF
    53. Nasty #7995 more 3 in 4:20, then only a 4th at 19 mins, shoulda gotten top 10 DNF
    54. opkid1 #2497 DNF
    55. Pandakar #9030 he / him DNF
    56. Planeswater #6664 he / they more Pigs giveth, pigs taketh away. Looked good at 2 pigs at 10 mins, but we were still at 3 after the 3rd set of 999 coins DNF
    57. R.Sigma #6320 DNF
    58. someone325 #3097 he / him DNF
    59. tapioca #6986 DNF
    60. Tomorrow #3561 he / they DNF
    61. VitaminPeanutButter #5320 he / him DNF
    62. xoble #0938 DNF
    63. ClinTalon #4956 he / him DQ
    64. Garm #0062 DQ
    65. GeorgeMatt #1964 DQ
    66. neskamikaze #9931 DQ
    67. Shanic #2010 DQ
    68. Weseykone #7650 DQ
  5. wonderful-clefairy-6463 N64Mania Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth Finished not recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st TossedFish #4610 more Soldier o7 Finished
    2. 2nd shoehorse #0163 he / him more I've already got a Deluxe goal nailed down for USE BS 3 Finished
    3. 3rd Giga #0889 he / him more I bet the anime of this game would be lit Finished
    4. 4th Tomorrow #3561 he / they more Armored Core 64 was amazing! Finished
    5. 5th poptart_cat #2549 more Earth: Vanished, Star: Soldiered, Ship: Not Green Finished
    6. 6th riocoys #8957 more This could've been Toy Story 2 Finished
    7. 7th sp0ck1 #7823 more Perhaps, in a different world, at a different time, a 3 year old really could beat Beginner Mode. Maybe, even, in this one. Finished
    8. tapioca #6986 DNF
  6. speedy-cheat-1620 N64Mania Ken Griffey Jr.'s Slugfest Finished not recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st pieper #8160 more I liked the other ken griffey game more Finished
    2. 2nd Remnant #3181 more This has cleaner graphics, but the first Ken Griffey is better Finished
    3. 3rd lyrical #5645 she / her Finished
    4. 4th Giga #0889 he / him more Even their asses were on steroids back then Finished
    5. 5th riocoys #8957 more Significantly worse than Griffey 1 Finished
    6. 6th sp0ck1 #7823 more 2-5, For the A Finished
    7. 7th poptart_cat #2549 more how are you gonna beat ken griffey jr at his own slugfest Finished
  7. pogtastic-clefairy-6365 N64Mania Major League Baseball Featuring Ken Griffey, Jr. Finished not recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st pieper #8160 more https://clips.twitch.tv/ArtsyTriangularNuggetsRaccAttack-rayzTSLN3XGySbCB Finished
    2. 2nd riocoys #8957 more Barry Bonds is still the best. 3-2 victory Finished
    3. 3rd Giga #0889 he / him more 1998, when the Rogers Centre was still the SkyDome and the CN Tower was the Toronto Obelisk Finished
    4. 4th poptart_cat #2549 Finished
    5. 5th sp0ck1 #7823 more Whopper, Whopper, Whopper, Whopper, (Ken Griffey,) Jr., Double, Triple Whopper Finished
    6. 6th Remnant #3181 more Where's the pitch clock? Wait, I'm the pitcher. Finished
    7. 7th lyrical #5645 she / her Finished
  8. calm-pommy-6332 N64Mania Sin & Punishment Finished not recorded 10 entrants
    1. 1st Raptorboggle #7807 Finished
    2. 2nd whyamihere44 #8074 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd NightOfficerDan #6887 Finished
    4. 4th Preston Dolphin #8014 Finished
    5. 5th Iateyourpie #4339 more You idiots, we all have swords. Finished
    6. 6th TossedFish #4610 more I see that Long Island NY hasn't changed a single bit in the future. Finished
    7. 7th pastel #9309 Finished
    8. 8th Giga #0889 he / him more It seems as if you still do not understand. About the Seemer of Earth. Finished
    9. 9th v_aasu #1408 they / them more Had to restart about 2/3 of the way into the game. Luckily the second playthrough went much more quickly because I understood how to use the sword. Great game! Finished
    10. Allyoucaneat #5549 he / him DNF
  9. silly-pilotwings-1481 N64Mania Mario Party Finished not recorded 28 entrants
    1. 1st Flant #0182 more wario is gonna win Finished
    2. 2nd iycewynd #9789 he / him more failed pedal power, hot rope jump, and slot machine Finished
    3. 3rd Giga #0889 he / him more Thank you so much-a for-to voicing my character Finished
    4. 4th Finch #4489 Finished
    5. 5th JTB #2959 more my arthritis badge Finished
    6. 6th flatmatt #9205 he / him more My childhood save died for this run. #TeamMisty Finished
    7. 7th ProfessorCedar #3226 Finished
    8. 8th Schaden #8790 more 13th try todd 1, 1st try todd 2 Finished
    9. 9th Planeswater #6664 he / they more luigi is the winner Finished
    10. 10th CalmayW #3670 she / her more never again Finished
    11. 11th Yables #2624 more Cut the 6:00:00!! usedU Finished
    12. 12th psych #4318 he / him Finished
    13. 13th thairannosaurusx #0453 more This game made me rage like no other. Finished
    14. 14th Darkenforcer6669 #4938 Finished
    15. 15th Tomorrow #3561 he / they more I hate Pipe Maze... Finished
    16. 16th forstycup #7742 she / her more f lil todd Finished
    17. 17th adamX0315 #4165 he / him more The last thing I said before my last race against Toad was: I want to drop kick Toad into the ground so hard right now... and won the next race XD Finished
    18. 18th spikel222 #6846 Finished
    19. 19th JonRG #2308 he / him Finished
    20. 20th AWildYamiEnters #2556 more Toad is the bane of my existance Finished
    21. Anosep #7775 he / him more Why does Yoshi do that thing with his tongue whenever he wins a minigame? DNF
    22. CIRCAisBAD #8027 DNF
    23. MedliFan #8267 he / him more I think that's enough of this for one night. DNF
    24. RedGyarados2010 #1468 DNF
    25. RenewedHorizon #5971 she / her DNF
    26. tapioca #6986 more what do you mean you literally can't press z on a gamecube controller DNF
    27. Terberri #8290 she / her more Mario party should not be giving me a blister DNF
    28. v_aasu #1408 they / them more Got stuck at the Boo bike minigame in world 6. My favorite was mushroom mix-up. DNF
  10. tactical-tetromino-4674 N64Mania Worms: Armageddon Finished not recorded 15 entrants
    1. 1st Niamek #6871 more My aim is perfect (not) Finished
    2. 2nd someone325 #3097 he / him more the manual is overrated Finished
    3. 3rd BTaggerung #1426 he / him more difficulty curve all over the place, still a fun game Finished
    4. 4th Remnant #3181 more Ninja Rope Warrior Finished
    5. 5th TossedFish #4610 more fckn' mole Finished
    6. 6th poptart_cat #2549 more rio's secret underground assassination Finished
    7. Altermentality #7078 she / her more War crimes were committed DNF
    8. CoreZero #5444 he / him more Got through mission 7. Fun game but too much for one sitting. DNF
    9. Eufy #8540 more I'm worm food if I don't leave! DNF
    10. Giga #0889 he / him more Spock too eepy DNF
    11. McDizzle #7057 DNF
    12. Muk1000 #5023 more Too many tech issues with the N64 version, but I finished on PC. DNF
    13. sp0ck1 #7823 more I had a big day at the fair okay. For the record I am not responsible for Giga's forfeiture (3h30m for me) DNF
    14. squiggly #8707 more finished the missions on the PC version, so didnt want to .Done DNF
    15. TriforceDrummer #6579 DNF