
Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories YGOFM Any% (15-card mod)
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thots #1771
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  1. 1st MrWinds #8374 Finished 20
  2. 2nd Loatheb #9506 he / him more danknite started without monsters,, Seto 3rd was bloody horrible but still a win, midgame was bad, early game was really good Finished 7
  3. 3rd Aquana #4723 he / him more I asked pegasus for widespread and megamorph, he decided to drop 2 crush cards instead. Cool Finished 10
  4. 4th Blubber Bear more Megamorph is missing Finished 4
  5. 5th "Dark Hole Man" Linkalian #8346 he / him more Long A-Tec section for fairly good first try F7 Finished 6
  6. 6th Peter (ForSureItsMe) #3239 he / him more Who else finished with Mystical Sand? No one? Then I guess I won! Finished 35
  7. 7th Syura #4175 Finished 21
  8. thots #1771 more no thunders for over an hour, 3 equips in the end DNF DNF 41
  9. rickyjay ghost of fm past #5781 DNF DNF 6
  10. sleepyoberon #2614 he / him more GG! Made it to F6 faster than ever before and did only one try and lost to Seto 3rd because yeah it's common (: DNF DNF 15
  11. Nautilusopus #2152 DNF DNF 444
  12. cleffei #2556 DNF DNF 253
12 entrants (5 inactive)