
Current races

Past races

  1. crafty-gratitude-5603 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 3 entrants - v1.2.0_c5727a1 Draft Option: 3D Keysanity, Seed: 919414029378105669, Hash: Bokoblin Owlan Horwell, Permalink: oQ0AIDADo5oJmgAAAAAAAAAYFA==#919414029378105669
  2. saucy-sandsea-9462 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 4 entrants Weekly Race 7/23/22 | - 1.2.0_c5727a1 Seed: 940294822187568969, Hash: Lopsa Guld Net, Permalink: oQ0AIDADo5oJUgAAAAAAAAAYFA==#940294822187568969
  3. odd-beedle-0332 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 2 entrants - 1.2.0_509f52c Draft Option: 3D Swordless, Seed: 335753345875759241, Hash: Silva Bokoblin Orielle, Permalink: gQ0AIDADo5oJUgAAAAAAAAAcFA==#335753345875759241
  4. reliable-scaldera-4793 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 2 entrants - 1.2.0_509f52c Seed: 570489962982292661, Hash: Skipper Dragon Plats, Permalink: oQ0AIDADo5oJUgAAAAAAAAAYFA==#570489962982292661
  5. wonderful-ruby-3394 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 4 entrants Weekly Race | - 1.2.0_30aa753 Seed: 215175946180984639, Hash: Skipper Harp Moblin, Permalink: oQ0AIDADo5oJmgAAAAAAAAAYFA==#215175946180984639
  6. chaotic-kolokchamp-9085 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 3 entrants - 1.2.0_fc707c8 Draft Option: 3D Swordless, Seed: 907699557998913143, Hash: Bomb Imprisoned Beetle, Permalink: gQ0AIDADo5oJUgAAAAAAAAAcFA==#907699557998913143
  7. clumsy-fun-0830 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 2 entrants Async Race - pw0AADADo5oJUgAAAAAAAAAYFA==#50988
  8. clean-link-3403 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 3 entrants Async Race #3 - IQ0AIBADo5oJUgAAAAAAAAAYEA==#579836
  9. elegant-sandsea-7734 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 5 entrants Weekly Race 2022/07/02 @ 19:00 UTC | - 1.2.0_14c6135 Draft Option: 3D Swordless, Seed: 307997840712634866, Hash: Loftwing Jellyf Cobal, Permalink: gQ0AIDADo5oJUgAAAAAAAAAcFA==#307997840712634866
  10. dizzy-tadtones-3440 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 2 entrants - 1.2.0_14c6135 Draft Option: 3D Open, Seed: 216454907505651651, Hash: Karane Molderach Bokoblin, Permalink: pw0AIDADo5oJUgAAAAAAAAAYFA==#216454907505651651