
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. intrepid-pillar-9276 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 6 entrants Weekly 2021/08/21 (no restream) | v1.1.0_a099d48 IQ0IIDsDs5rpUwAAAAAAACHIFwA=#19004 Plats Beetle Gondo
  2. lurking-sandsea-5431 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 5 entrants Version: v1.1.0_a099d48 - Permalink: IQ0IIDsDs5rpUwAAAAAAACHIFwA=#482041516235326273 - Hash: Clawshots Remlit Skulltula
  3. eager-sandsea-2406 voice chat PauseChamp Finished not recorded 3 entrants - Skyward Sword Randomizer Version 1.1.0_1948044 Seed: 520060908279885107, Hash: Beedle Tyto Scrapper, Permalink: IQ0IIDsDs5rpUwAAAAAAACHIFwA=#520060908279885107
  4. salty-pillar-6153 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 6 entrants SSR Weekly Race August 14, 2021 | - Skyward Sword Randomizer Version 1.1.0_1948044 Seed: 198184449753907305, Hash: Baba Hylia Bomb, Permalink: oQ0IIDsDs5rhSwAAAAAAACHIFwA=#198184449753907305
  5. brainy-shield-8024 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 6 entrants Weekly Race | - Skyward Sword Randomizer Version 1.0.7_4939306 Seed: 423936728679089335, Hash: Tentalus Peahat Crystal, Permalink: IQ0AICADsprhUwAAAAAAAB3QEwA=#423936728679089335
  6. fortunate-shield-9324 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 3 entrants Async Version, Permalink: IQ2AICADs5rhUwAAAAAAAB3QEwE=#12983959438438, Hash: Bomb Walltula Gratitude
  7. disco-shield-3481 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 3 entrants - Skyward Sword Randomizer Version 1.0.7_ca43e39 Seed: 568685636941803658, Hash: Loftwing Mallara Ledd, Permalink: oQ0AICADs5rhUwAUiRBQACHIFwA=#568685636941803658
  8. vanilla-dragon-6800 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 6 entrants Weekly Race | - Skyward Sword Randomizer Version 1.0.7_690a885 Seed: 473217258006368527, Hash: Technoblin Gaepora Walltula, Permalink: oQ0AICADs5rhUwAAAAAAAB3QEwA=#473217258006368527
  9. casual-hylia-4604 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 7 entrants Weekly Race | Skyward Sword Randomizer Version 1.0.7_690a885, Seed: 73128, Hash : Wisdom Lanayru Scrappa, Permalink: oQ0AIDADs5rhUwAAAAAAAB3QEwA=#73128
  10. tasty-ruby-2281 Beat the Game (S1 + S2) Finished recorded 3 entrants Weekly Race | - Skyward Sword Randomizer Version 1.0.6_3f75c7e Seed: 999894563720906742, Hash: Faron Armos Faron, Permalink: IQ0AIDADs5rhnAAAAAAAAB3QEwA=#999894563720906742