
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. mini-speedyspin-7107 full gear shuffle, chapter 7 is closed behind needing ultra boots, and prologue is open from the beginning Finished not recorded 6 entrants https://pm64randomizer.com/seed?id=46163638 (Tasty Tonic, Second Degree Card, Power Quake, Mega Smash)
  2. lazy-thetape-7160 7 Chapters Beat Bowser Finished recorded 2 entrants https://pm64randomizer.com/seed?id=1069709725 (Pretty Lucky, Snowman Bucket, Maple Shroom, Healthy Juice)
  3. gentle-merlee-8818 7 Chapters Beat Bowser Finished recorded 2 entrants https://pm64randomizer.com/seed?id=275258332 (Koot Shell, Dizzy Dial, Dolly, Frying Pan)
  4. fortunate-superhammer-7933 7 Chapters Beat Bowser Finished recorded 2 entrants LordLevias19 vs. Zeddikus https://pm64randomizer.com/seed?id=2127883422 (Ruins Key, Jammin Jelly, Red Key, Boo Portrait)
  5. obedient-happyflower-9089 7 Chapters Beat Bowser Finished recorded 2 entrants https://pm64randomizer.com/seed?id=1677485997 (Dried Fruit, Sweet Shroom, Koot Tape, Koot Package)
  6. good-starstone-5973 7 Chapters Beat Bowser Finished recorded 2 entrants https://pm64randomizer.com/seed?id=202268341 (Jump Charge, POW Block, Apple, Attack FX C)
  7. comic-toytrain-1576 7 Chapters Beat Bowser Finished not recorded 2 entrants PMR64 League S0 LordLevias19 vs Zeddikus https://pm64randomizer.com/seed?id=2627981123 (Koot Merluvlee Autograph, Lyrics, Tubba Castle Key, Baking Butter)
  8. shiny-merlee-7504 7 Chapters Beat Bowser Finished recorded 8 entrants https://pm64randomizer.com/seed?id=1914915342 (Stone Cap, Quick Change, Toy Train, Earthquake Jump)
  9. foolish-spinsmash-9099 7 Chapters Beat Bowser Finished recorded 2 entrants https://pm64randomizer.com/seed?id=2667751137 (Baking Milk, Crazy Heart, Crystal Berry, Deluxe Feast)
  10. clever-generalguy-1357 7 Chapters Beat Bowser Finished recorded 2 entrants https://pm64randomizer.com/seed?id=2135471620 (Pretty Lucky, Super Soda, Third Degree Card, Whackas Bump)