
Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Combo Randomizer

mm2nescartridge msmetroid #8807 Solski #8295
apathyduck #3636

Current races

Past races

  1. chaotic-magikarp-0368 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/maYK-I9pRqST9sBMdgP8eg - (POPO TOZOKU HOBA GUZU)
  2. famous-midna-1501 Beat the games Finished not recorded 4 entrants hard - https://samus.link/seed/i-EDouGgRRe1XgXPtaVngQ - (NAMIHE TATORI WAINDA HYU) | Co op Hard
  3. fearless-metroid-7272 Beat the games Finished recorded 5 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/oz2yE5b8QemhJzYUD4RL9g - (RIBA POWAMP VIOLA WAINDA)
  4. proud-meta-2983 Beat the games Finished not recorded 4 entrants SMZ3 Co-Op Tournament 2021 - OGC, Eykir, DeviousRNG, WindFox470 - Young Chaos_Poor Life Choices - (ZEELA GAPURA GEEMER RIPPER) - Restream(s) at speedgaming2
  5. lawful-lyra-8602 Beat the games Finished not recorded 4 entrants SMZ3 Co-Op Tournament 2021 - omniflas, Stashiocat, Madbao, edzwoo - EG to Aga_Chicago Bullies - (OUM RINKA PIKKU GERUTA) - Restream(s) at speedgaming4
  6. dizzy-koopa-3863 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/8FJtRh7UQme3BThy0nrKGg - (KAGO KURIPI HOBA AIGORU)
  7. mysterious-wario-3260 Beat the games Finished recorded 6 entrants hard - https://samus.link/seed/zWIvl2DFQbeypfb5A8UVow - (TOPPO BEETOM ZEBBO ZEELA) | Pick me up Hard logic
  8. overpowered-pokey-6565 Beat the games Finished recorded 16 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/irq7wE6-TO2YNZKwdJZ-FA - (GAPURA OUM ZOA MEDUSA) | SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal at 9:00 PM Eastern
  9. legendary-cloud-1787 Beat the games Finished not recorded 4 entrants SMZ3 Co-Op Tournament 2021 - lackattack, Cynas, fcoughlin, Locklen - Surely we are serious_Fire Rod Locked - (AIGORU BULL BEETOM POPO) - Restream(s) at speedgaming
  10. snug-yoshi-9816 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/b2NRLOqTRNO8duFnqvLYtg - (TOPPO KYUNE HYU ATOMIC)