
Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Combo Randomizer

mm2nescartridge msmetroid #8807 Solski #8295
apathyduck #3636

Current races

Past races

  1. powerful-squirtle-8009 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants normalkeys - https://samus.link/seed/qh_FcxSRSoeh5buHxe8Xwg - (CHOOT EVIR BOYON TATORI)
  2. artful-chell-6358 Beat the games Finished recorded 22 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/4VUmol14SlyuQDUgTzRJwg - (SKREE COVERN TERU GIBO) | SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal at 9:00 PM Eastern
  3. artful-lootbox-2789 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants normalkeys - https://samus.link/seed/62EIvzYeTJeW3po4H7WDow - (KISU KISU KYUNE GUZU)
  4. dynamic-terry-9364 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants hard - https://samus.link/seed/NKtLhnvgQr-gnmupI7Bpnw - (GAPURA BABURU PON NOMOSU)
  5. famous-knuckles-4834 Beat the games Finished recorded 16 entrants hard - https://samus.link/seed/mFo4h33HSFO_6cQWqqZDng - (GIBO GAPURA TAINON RIBA) | SMZ3 Weekly - Hard OWG
  6. scruffy-raichu-6209 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/-vp3AP1sQWC2W-CzGNougg - (AIGORU VIOLA TAINON GERUDO)
  7. sleepy-tails-5873 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/fOowXjnxSCi3-2i1-h4W8A - (BULL POPO TATORI ARRGI) | Normal mode!
  8. magnificent-star-3347 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants normalkeys - https://samus.link/seed/ZMrExA2tT6qwYV5QJuE2hg - (ROPA HOBA PON KYUNE)
  9. lawful-chrom-2323 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/7X-DzEcwRxy4M-il0C2MAg - (ALCOON TERU OUM RIBA)
  10. puzzled-shulk-0783 Beat the games Finished recorded 5 entrants normalkeys - https://samus.link/seed/EaEh202MSMmByfzRHHIXKQ - (POPO GERUTA SOVA NOMOSU)