
Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Combo Randomizer

mm2nescartridge msmetroid #8807 Solski #8295
apathyduck #3636

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. tasty-mewtwo-3368 Beat the games Finished recorded 4 entrants normalkeys - https://samus.link/seed/o-kSm8kiQYqlZiROqJHPhw - (ROPA GERUTA ZORA HEISHI)
  2. curious-chrom-0437 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants normalkeys - https://samus.link/seed/97Um8FOtRxa2-heYFrN-Xg - (ARRGI BABURU KURIPI ALCOON)
  3. mysterious-chell-5476 Beat the games Finished recorded 12 entrants hard - https://samus.link/seed/KYVQdC3JR6qdYsieJJNOeg - (EVIR RIPPER NAMIHE VIOLA) | SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard at 9:00 PM EST
  4. good-samus-7790 Beat the games Finished recorded 21 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/MDxqhP7hTtWBaKmS4InJ1Q - (TATORI HOBA HOLTZ GERUDO) | SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal at 3:00 PM EST
  5. invincible-battletoad-8318 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants normalkeys - https://alpha.samus.link/seed/n3UGYMDaTyCbMp0iK7Jqrw - (GIBO SOVA NOMOSU SKREE)
  6. brave-togepi-8335 Beat the games Finished recorded 5 entrants normalkeys - https://alpha.samus.link/seed/94sRBZphT_qxgLFPlyMKyw - (ROPA KAGO TOZOKU NAMIHE)
  7. famous-diddy-8667 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/C5zP8Q-iSXivlhZ_KDfvZA - (SOVA PON BORU NOMOSU) | Race Normal Start to 2:10 PM EST
  8. dazzling-glados-3233 Beat the games Finished recorded 13 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/i8EyJNP3QASPU4rC-TXVpQ - (KURIPI BULL TOPPO GERUDO) | SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal at 9:00 PM EST
  9. neutral-cuphead-8300 Beat the games Finished recorded 8 entrants hard - https://samus.link/seed/uk3WKSvER56NxfrllGMrlQ - (CHOOT NAMIHE ATOMIC SUTARU) | SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard at 3:00 PM EST
  10. dizzy-kazooie-6270 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants normalkeys - https://alpha.samus.link/seed/lG9UX7pUSZK-LYdyHmfKHg - (ALCOON AIGORU FANGIN SKREE)