
Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Combo Randomizer

mm2nescartridge msmetroid #8807 Solski #8295
apathyduck #3636

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. foolish-bowser-5169 Beat the games Finished recorded 6 entrants normal 7-7-4 normal - https://samus.link/seed/dLQuA1prSoawVeEUCIUIcg - (KURIPI CHOOT ARRGI OUM)
  2. saucy-tingle-5585 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants normal 7-7-4 cause we cant get enough normal - https://samus.link/seed/7LOQgLLCScy-fYaLpffKyw - (YARD NAMIHE WAINDA KAGO)
  3. intrepid-overworld-8575 Beat the games Finished recorded 12 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (5/5/3, Fast Ganon) at 3:00 PM Eastern on SpeedGaming3 - 52418 fast553 - https://samus.link/seed/pcaoLwSTS_GQFwUELx2ycQ - (BORU GAMET GAMET AIGORU)
  4. dazzling-battletoad-0050 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants NORMAL 774 normal - https://samus.link/seed/aal0_CwhTCejL5XuIrBuhw - (PIKKU NOMOSU VIOLA PON)
  5. puzzled-richter-9852 Saturday Shindig - Casual race, streaming not required Finished not recorded 8 entrants Normal 7/7/4 - Starts at 6pm Est, Seed rolled at 5:50pm - Come have fun and complain about the seed! normal - https://samus.link/seed/bUUXqoTYTkWGhoBsEEtMRA - (HEISHI ROPA KOPPI BABURU)
  6. dynamax-wolf-2912 Beat the games Finished recorded 9 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (7/7/4) at 1:00 PM Eastern on SpeedGaming6 - 52417 normal - https://samus.link/seed/NTxxsoCET02ZPq2eYBHblQ - (CHOOT ROPA PIKKU PUROMI)
  7. critical-chip-7125 Beat the Games(Spoiler Log) Finished recorded 6 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Spoiler Normal (7/7/4) at 8:00 PM Eastern - 52416 spoiler normal - https://samus.link/seed/Lf0r2xA-SbWHdXV5Z72OOw - (HOLTZ ZEELA HEISHI GERUTA)
  8. epic-waluigi-7204 Normal 0/0/0 Fast Ganon Finished not recorded 6 entrants Casual race, streaming not required, Seed rolled at :00, start at :10 - https://samus.link/seed/8b7f8CKlSKmwOLYxPCXl5w - GUZU BABURU KISU GERUTA
  9. comic-daisy-0999 Beat the games Finished recorded 4 entrants open 7/7/4 for fun feel free to join normal - https://samus.link/seed/u_S_LmXmRuGHlHtkHPg6_w - (RIPPER ALCOON TATORI BABUSU)
  10. prudent-charizard-1283 Beat the games Finished recorded 7 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (7/7/4) at 9:00 PM Eastern on SpeedGaming4 - 52415 normal - https://samus.link/seed/h5g0XRA6SKGXYKhPgcO4JA - (RIPPER GAPURA TAINON TERU)