
Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Combo Randomizer

mm2nescartridge msmetroid #8807 Solski #8295 TracieM #6711

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. magnificent-incineroar-7077 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants
  2. clever-joker-3622 Beat the games Finished recorded 10 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard (All Dungeons) at 3:00 PM Eastern on SpeedGaming4 - 43845 harddungeons - https://samus.link/seed/w0myCC_FTKijvE38ITAoGQ - (ATOMIC SUTARU HACHI PUYO)
  3. reliable-ganondorf-1575 Beat the games Finished not recorded 3 entrants FC Test Race
  4. travelling-checkpoint-4161 Saturday SMZ3 Shindig Finished not recorded 6 entrants Normal 7/7/4 - Starts at 6pm Est, Seed distributed at 5:50pm Est - Casual race, streaming not required - Come have fun and complain about the seed! - Link: https://samus.link/seed/qiyEsXNEQ0C4-RKGxJgAbA - Seed code: Toppo Hyu Kago Teru
  5. mysterious-fran-8828 Beat the games Finished recorded 9 entrants BCU SMZ3 Community Race
  6. lucky-cloud-0496 Beat the games Finished not recorded 8 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard (5/5/3 FG) at 9:00 PM Eastern on SpeedGaming3 - 43844 -- SEED: https://samus.link/seed/dvssgkUhQmSZ1ImkIG-5-g [BOYON GUZU GIBO RIBA]
  7. helpful-skip-4440 Beat the games Finished not recorded 18 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Co-op : Normal (7/7/4) at 3:00 PM Eastern - 43827 normal - https://samus.link/seed/vyaIQWhfTsSBAxTlaG0WuQ - (PUYO POPO RIBA ZOA)
  8. snug-waluigi-5243 Beat the games Finished not recorded 9 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (5/5/3) at 9:00 PM Eastern on SpeedGaming4 - 43788 - SEED: https://samus.link/seed/5uo0d5FeSKmH1FXley5Uag [ARRGI HACHI KYUNE GERUDO]
  9. lawful-shiva-2606 Beat the games Finished not recorded 17 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard (Random) at 3:00 PM Eastern - 43787 hardrandom - https://samus.link/seed/jxBgkzQCRUuISapfhh606A - (COVERN RIPPER MEDUSA RIPPER)
  10. tasty-wolf-9144 Beat the games Finished recorded 14 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard (7/7/4) at 9:00 PM Eastern - 43105 hard - https://samus.link/seed/tG9WgBLpQXy3BINxz7KYVA - (RINKA WAVER NOMOSU GAMET)