
Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Combo Randomizer

mm2nescartridge msmetroid #8807 Solski #8295
apathyduck #3636

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. shiny-celeste-2618 Beat the games Finished recorded 4 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard (7/7/4) at 8:00 PM Eastern - 45193 hard - https://samus.link/seed/KE52-5oNTKWxFotHkCz7YA - (GERUTA GERUDO CHOOT YARD)
  2. vanilla-starfox-5349 Beat the games Finished recorded 4 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard (All Dungeons) at 9:00 PM Eastern - 45192 harddungeons - https://samus.link/seed/gWy1J92TSdas-ODtr0ZFLw - (RIBA NAMIHE RIBA HOBA)
  3. dynamax-yuna-3307 Beat the games Finished recorded 12 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (7/7/4) at 3:00 PM Eastern - 45191 normal - https://samus.link/seed/NXJj8Pj_RPunKp0i-oQHQw - (TAINON ZEELA SOVA GEEMER)
  4. disco-ike-2759 Beat the games Finished recorded 12 entrants SG Live In-Person Qualifier 2 - noon EDT start fast - https://samus.link/seed/Kua21QakRzyv2joqhavJJA - (POPO HOLTZ NOMOSU GUZU)
  5. kind-epona-7059 Beat the games Finished recorded 11 entrants SG Live In-Person Qualifier 1 - 8:00pm EDT start fast - https://samus.link/seed/sp_kBzMGTHaPdkTtmxuBWQ - (BOYON PUYO VIOLA ZOA)
  6. eager-toad-0281 Saturday Shindig - Casual race, streaming not required Finished not recorded 4 entrants Normal 7/7/4 - Starts at 6pm Est, Seed rolled at 5:50pm - Come have fun and complain about the seed! normal - https://samus.link/seed/j1imhM27QNqjDPFlNqWg1g - (TAINON BEETOM PUYO KYUNE)
  7. artful-star-1552 Beat the games Finished not recorded 8 entrants The Boyz (gender inclusive) multiwhirl
  8. daring-cadence-3076 Beat the games Finished not recorded 6 entrants boyz gender inclusive multiworld race gaming
  9. innocent-cutscene-7096 Beat the games Finished recorded 5 entrants SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal (7/7/4) at 8:00 PM Eastern - 45189 normal - https://samus.link/seed/XDKFEz_0TWqOrTN6k5q48w - (FUNE ARRGI VIOLA BOYON)
  10. mini-squirtle-0260 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants hardfast - https://samus.link/seed/Xjh7bjOeTWG35lRek5YOug - (BEETOM EVIR GAPURA HEISHI)