
Super Metroid & A Link to the Past Combo Randomizer

mm2nescartridge msmetroid #8807 Solski #8295
apathyduck #3636

Current races

Past races

  1. curious-toad-1223 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants https://samus.link/seed/2-lDfyqiR8q2H68InrJRRQ
  2. vanilla-rimworld-2399 Beat the games Finished recorded 3 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/8vMo8ZqQTk25NTsAwcEskg - (SUTARU ATOMIC SKREE SUTARU) | normal
  3. grumpy-snake-5617 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/jmDvKliERKaqrT2JyraLHA - (GEEMER TERU MEDUSA ZEBBO)
  4. artful-garuda-3611 Beat the games Finished recorded 12 entrants hard - https://samus.link/seed/uEwlMpfIQ_m83NPrNiaZlA - (FUNE ZOA BABURU BABUSU) | SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard at 9:00 PM Eastern - 38741
  5. adequate-olimar-2413 Beat the games Finished recorded 10 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/xgJCHtQMQkC_NHI0YsKUSg - (BOYON TAINON SUTARU NOMOSU) | SMZ3 Weekly Race - Normal at 3:00 PM Eastern - 38740
  6. powerful-koopa-7747 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/fP1APE42SZ2zTj-2wceL4A - (NAMIHE ZOA KURIPI FANGIN) | normal
  7. dynamic-jynx-0953 Beat the games Finished recorded 2 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/JrjqZMgKR26g1L0m3TsYAQ - (RIPPER SCISER GERUTA KOPPI) | Normal @ 2015 CEST (315PM EDT)
  8. agreeable-olimar-1786 Beat the games Finished not recorded 6 entrants SMZ3 Multiworld - normal | SMZ3 Weekly Race - Co-op : Normal MW at 9:00 PM Eastern - 37428
  9. invincible-cid-9759 Beat the games Finished recorded 13 entrants hard - https://samus.link/seed/JhLayJP7Rre2pnV0hK5-AQ - (BOYON CHOOT SCISER TOPPO) | SMZ3 Weekly Race - Hard at 3:00 PM Eastern - 37427
  10. swag-moogle-6827 Beat the games Finished recorded 5 entrants normal - https://samus.link/seed/o3A4iERmTVaEBROcfyvvcA - (SKREE KYUNE ZORA HOLTZ) | (Normals)