
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. neutral-kargaroc-2946 S5 with speeeeeeed (hopefully) Finished not recorded 5 entrants Seed: eJwz1LPUs4xPSS1j8E1Mz0z2K81NSi0yZhBlVmIondLBV9PIKMYg8Z2BqZaBFAAAAloLlg==
  2. mysterious-mothula-2861 More S5 testing :D (1.9.9 Build) Finished not recorded 3 entrants Seed: eJwz1LPUs4xPSS1jyCwuyQDh1OLi1NQUBlFmJYbSKR18NQ2McgwS3xmYahlIAQBzew0J | Seed Hash: Ganon Rown
  3. obedient-kreeb-6438 S5 testin testin Finished not recorded 7 entrants Seed: eJwz1LPUs4xPSS1j8M3MSfRNTElPZRBlVmIondLBV9PAKMYg8Z2BqZaBFAAApnEKeQ==
  4. powerful-kamo-3190 1.9.9 Race Finished not recorded 7 entrants Perma: eJwz1LPUs4xPSS1jCEpMTi12LEp1zs/PYWBvVmr42tjBV9PAKMYg8Z2BqZaBQYKBaAAAXhwNIg== || Hash: Makar Oakin
  5. trusty-triforce-0851 1.9.9 Retry Finished not recorded 3 entrants eJwz1LPUs4xPSS1j8EjMzU0tKi12ySxOLChITQQyGaYyKzGUTungq2lgFGOQ+M7AVMtACgAAM8wPWw==
  6. clean-jin-0883 Salty Sea Lookout Platform Runback Finished not recorded 5 entrants
  7. lucky-swabbie-1691 S5 Settings Testing 3drm +lookout platforms - sphere 0 lookout platforms Finished not recorded 2 entrants
  8. disco-kargaroc-2959 S5 testing with 3drm Finished not recorded 3 entrants Seed: MS45LjhfZGV2AFRoZVJ1blNhbHRCYWNrQmVSZWFsABUDIoAjogMfYIAFAMY9gEAfAAAAAAAA
  9. lawful-greatfish-8424 S5 testing at the total legit time of xx:245 Kappa Finished not recorded 4 entrants Seed: MS45LjhfZGV2AEJPT09NQ0hJQ0tBUE9XABUDIoAjGwMfYIAHAMY9gEAfAAAAAAAA | Seed Hash: Elma Gohma
  10. epic-willi-5189 Standard Race (Season 4) Finished not recorded 6 entrants S5 Tourney Prep!