
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. virtual-gohdan-3716 S5 testing (Possibly s4 - subs, with 4 drm, short sidequests, CTMC, + Hints) Finished not recorded 5 entrants MS45LjhfZGV2AE1ha2FyU2FsYWQAFQMiACOiAx9ggAcAxj2AQB8AAAAAAAA=
  2. sublime-knuckle-2369 3drm 6 path hints S5 Settings Testing Finished not recorded 4 entrants MS45LjhfZGV2AElmeW91Y2FsbHJpZ2h0bm93d2VsbGRvdWJsZXlvdXJvZmZlcgAVAyIAIxsDH2CABQDGPQBAHwAAAAAAAA== | Seed Hash: Elma Zora
  3. grumpy-zephos-6640 1.9.8 Glitched Logic Race w/ No Music Finished not recorded 2 entrants MS45LjhfZGV2AFN0ZWxsYXJSZWFzb25hYmxlSmFuAAUBIgBjIoAWYIAHAMY9gEAfAACQJVgU | Seed Hash: Baito Valoo
  4. disco-pashli-4392 S5 Test Race (S4 - subs + short sidequests, 4 drm, + hints + CTMC) Finished not recorded 5 entrants Permalink: MS45LjhfZGV2AExlZ2l0aW1hdGVDYXRjaGluZ1BhbAAVAyIAI6IDH2CABwDGPYBAHwAAAAAAAA== | Seed Hash: Abe Willi
  5. proud-kokiri-7695 S5 test race (s4 - subs + short sidequests, 4 drm + hints + ctmc) Finished not recorded 6 entrants Perma: MS45LjhfZGV2AEltcGF0aWVudEhvb2RlZFBvdG92YQAVAyIAI6IDH2CABwDGPYBAHwAAAAAAAA== | Seed Hash: Baito Fado
  6. mecha-olivio-8633 More dungeonssssssssss (S5 testing with dungeon entrances and stuff idk I just work here) Finished not recorded 2 entrants Seed: MS45LjhfZGV2AEVudHJhbmNlUmFtYm9SdW5iYWNrAAUDogAjogMfYIAHAMY9gEAfAAAAAAAA | Seed Hash: Linda Mesa
  7. salty-triforce-9289 S5 testing with random dungeon entrances Finished not recorded 5 entrants MS45LjhfZGV2AEVudHJhbmNlUmFtYm8ABQOiACOiAx9ggAcAxj2AQB8AAAAAAAA=
  8. helpful-hyrulian-1104 Salty 1.9.8 Runback Finished not recorded 4 entrants Seed: MS45LjhfZGV2AEJhZFNvbgAVAyIAI6IDH2CABwDGPYBAHwAAAAAAAA==
  9. shiny-makar-1225 1.9.8 S5 testing and shit Finished not recorded 9 entrants Seed: MS45LjhfZGV2AE5vUGVlaW5nQWxsb3dlZAAVAyIAI6IDH2CABwDGPYBAHwAAAAAAAA== | Seed Hash: Fado Ganon
  10. odd-linda-3077 S5 Testings now with more squid Finished not recorded 5 entrants Seed: MS45LjhfZGV2AEVsaW1hdGVBbGxTcXVpZAAFIyIAI6IDH2CABwDGPYBAHwAAAAAAAA==