
Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. classic-miniblin-7076 S5 settings testing beat the evil dude Finished not recorded 3 entrants MS45LjhfZGV2AEVsaW1hdGVBbGxFdmlsAAcDIgAjogMfYIAHAMY9gEAfAAAAAAAA | Seed Hash Obli Jabun
  2. dazzling-irch-5570 Random Settings Finished not recorded 2 entrants
  3. smart-aryll-1828 1.9.8 S5 Testing Finished not recorded 4 entrants MS45LjhfZGV2AFN1cGVyRmFzdFNwZWVkeVNlZWR5AAUDIgAjogMfYIAHAMY9gEAfAAAAAAAA | Hints and CTMC w/ 4DRM + Puzzle Secret Caves + Island Puzzles + Free Gifts + Mail + Misc
  4. magic-mila-0254 Defeat Ganondorf Finished not recorded 4 entrants Bi-weekly community competitive settings race | MS45LjhfZGV2AEVsaWphaExvdmVzRVQAFwMmAKOpAx9ggAUAxj2AQB8AAAAAAAA=
  5. daring-obli-5868 1.9.8 S5 testing Finished not recorded 3 entrants
  6. dynamic-tetra-4538 Random Settings Finished not recorded 4 entrants Seed: DivineLameLink | Seed Hash: Jabun Din
  7. splendid-joanna-9872 1.9.8 S5 Test Race Finished not recorded 9 entrants Seed: MS45LjhfZGV2AE5vRVRvclRPVEdQcmF5Z2UAFQMiACOiAx9ggAcAxj2AQB8AAAAAAAA= || Seed hash: Zora Basht
  8. sublime-zuko-2491 1.9.8 S5 Settings Testing(EGL and WGA, 4drm Short Sidequests Finished not recorded 3 entrants MS45LjhfZGV2AENvbWJhdENhdmVGcmVlABUDIgAjGgQdYIAHAMY9AEAfAAAAAAAA | Seed Hash: Zora Jabun
  9. famous-jan-7813 S5 Test Race (1.9.8) Finished not recorded 9 entrants Seed || MS45LjhfZGV2AERlZ2VuV1dSRmVlbHNHb29kTWFuAAcDIgAjogMfYIAHAMY8gEAPAAAAAAAA Hash || Nayru Aryll
  10. jolly-hyrule-9220 Confirmed S5 settinmgs Kappa Finished not recorded 4 entrants MS45LjhfZGV2AEtvbmluZ1ZhblJvZGVMZWV1d2VuABcDJgAnGwMdYIAHAMY8AEAPAAAAAAAA