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Race results

  1. famous-mansion-0807 PkRB Any% Glitchless (No IT) Finished recorded 7 entrants
    1. 1st SINNED #3518 more deathless, accidently yololeid (7:27 split) Finished 25
    2. 2nd GoodAtBeingSimple #0113 more lived on 2 HP going into oddish girl with 36 HP and died to blackbelt saveful. Otherwise fairly uneventful Finished 15
    3. 3rd keepingiticy #5553 more 30 second PB yayyyyy (split exp on hypno moments) Finished 117
    4. 4th LionHeart #6445 more g1ss on Victreebel, death to blackbelt Finished 10
    5. 5th Chippytoothy #9125 more 2 deaths on Moon rocket, super fucked up VR and 3 hit self on tower golbat Finished 29
    6. 6th hwangbro #4443 more no x speed to outspeed champ arcanine ::woozy_face: Finished 120
    7. 7th DiRamz #4721 he / him more Learning race route. Miss moon manip, bad luck, and I have to help my mom +1:30 Finished 25
  2. hot-tackle-3192 PkRB Any% Glitchless (No IT) Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Yujito #1404 more very good early, some mistakes midgame, died to hypno silph bar, disaster agatha and scary lance. gg Finished 84
    2. 2nd hwangbro #4443 more channeler 1 death, champ death Finished 6
    3. 3rd primalpizza4 #7113 he / they more missed 0 punches, 0 blizz, 3 rock slides, 1 thunderbolt Finished 34
  3. dizzy-venonat-1200 PkRB Any% Glitchless (No IT) Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st MaddiicT #2171 more mid 26 moon, dead to misty from 82, bad fly, dead to channeler Finished 17
    2. 2nd hwangbro #4443 more lance death, cant wait for this to happen in tournament Finished 25
    3. 3rd Elrevolver385 #7964 more pretty bad but better than last time :) Finished 18
    4. 4th blaketurnertron #3607 more backup moon, used poke flute 4x Finished 24
    5. 5th Mchan338 #8965 more Died to Lavendar Rival and spent 2 minutes defeating Paras on Ivysaur Finished 698
    6. 6th keepingiticy #5553 Finished 22
    7. Chippytoothy #9125 more Taught Thrash over MP and kinda yolo'd after that even though it was salvagable DNF 69
    8. PrincePecky #7575 more Nido IGT, forgot to buffer palette for r3 moon, ran low on potions after moon rocket, ultimately died to misty confuse no save c: DNF 23
  4. cunning-boom-8370 PkRB Any% Glitchless (No IT) Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st hwangbro #4443 Finished 26
    2. Daniel Díaz #1393 DNF 315
    3. Voliharmin #8917 DNF 315
  5. mini-igt-2048 PkRB Any% Glitchless (No IT) Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st MaddiicT #2171 more good moon time, awful bridge, no flybar, one death to blackbelt, two deaths to lance Finished 48
    2. 2nd hwangbro #4443 more (rusty) moon rocket death, tower death, lucky end but smoked in HoF Finished 68
    3. 3rd SINNED #3518 more 2507 moon, piss strat, 6 hypno erika, 2 blackbelt death, champ on death due to accidental x speed rhyhorn Finished 20
    4. 4th Elrevolver385 #7964 more What a cursed run, lost almost 2 minutes to Nugget bridge rocket, lost at least 30 seconds to the second chaneler and died to blackbelt Finished 23
    5. 5th slayerlol99 #6538 more eventful unlucky run Finished 47
  6. curious-arayaleloshark-4441 PkRB Any% Glitchless (No IT) Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st SINNED #3518 Finished 543
    2. 2nd KinkMyBoot #9443 more bb death, lost mind on misty Finished 558
    3. 3rd hwangbro #4443 more 2 backup manips, 5 turn bind on erika, sabrina gen 1 miss Finished 96
    4. 4th MaddiicT #2171 more three blackbelt deaths, one gen1 miss agatha death Finished 42
    5. 5th slayerlol99 #6538 more dead to moocket, dead to misty from full, shit execution but smoked hwangbro flute to end so we take those Finished 25
    6. 6th prieR57 #0778 he / him Finished 81
    7. 7th Grogir #9263 more wipe to tower gen 1 miss (+2 min), wipe to slam crit (+4 min) Finished 58
    8. 8th DarkMan_ #8887 he / him more 1st race of Red any% glitchless, lots of bad things but happy to reach the end Finished 542
    9. Elrevolver385 #7964 more Got cubone crit going for flybar DNF 39
    10. AlanSchweitzer #2918 he / him DNF 246
    11. Jielefe #8226 DNF 89
  7. saucy-route-3515 PkRB Any% Glitchless (No IT) Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Grogir #9263 more farming elo Finished 16
    2. hwangbro #4443 DNF 41
    3. Yujito #1404 DNF 181
  8. crazy-carbos-2754 PkRB Any% Glitchless (No IT) Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Araya #0961 Finished 29
    2. 2nd hwangbro #4443 more lance death Finished 44
    3. stocchi #8266 he / him more horrible early game, death to rock tunnel QA crit DNF 115
  9. dizzy-xaccuracy-8188 PkRB Any% Glitchless (No IT) Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st hwangbro #4443 more got smoked in fte Finished 129
    2. 2nd slayerlol99 #6538 Finished 36
    3. 3rd Flutz123 #3909 Finished 29
  10. gorgeous-revive-7225 PkRB Any% Glitchless (No IT) Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Grogir #9263 more lucky uneventful deathless but no 150 Madge Finished 68
    2. 2nd hwangbro #4443 more moon rocket death Finished 209
    3. 3rd Flutz123 #3909 more 42:56 Misty into this still feels quite good Finished 62
    4. 4th primalpizza4 #7113 he / they more deaths to rock tunnel pidgey and gastly, muk used minimize, we do an extreme amount of trolling Finished 26
    5. 5th Elrevolver385 #7964 more so bad it was almost funny :) Finished 132
    6. GBF Zeta #9665 more idk im just tilted or some shit rn DNF 36