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Race results

  1. vanilla-ultrashroom-0300 PM64R Blitz / 4 Chapters LCL Beat Bowser Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st NSingman #8846 he / him Finished 44
    2. MegaPaul #6696 he / him DNF 93
  2. vanilla-feather-3161 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 8 entrants
    1. 1st MegaPaul #6696 he / him more always gall med Finished 123
    2. 2nd Konditioner #9278 he / him Finished 27
    3. 3rd Alpha_Que_Up #8019 Finished 1
    4. 4th Charlesjarls #7237 any / all Finished 40
    5. Kamerson #6793 he / him DNF 91
    6. Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him DNF 12
    7. OhJustNothing #5988 he / him more altatweeted dk galleon medal, would've been my gomode item approx 1 hour before I quit DNF 16
    8. Trikkums #3948 he / him more Reminder to check who unlocks what (or who...)) DNF 102
  3. neutral-strongkong-5308 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 16 entrants
    1. 1st Charlesjarls #7237 any / all Finished 16
    2. 2nd MumboToken #6300 he / they more top 5 worst seed ive ever done Finished 5
    3. 3rd Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him more FINALLY mechfish seed but god damn was this not good Finished 43
    4. 4th Hoyetly #2444 he / him more seed sucked so much. double casino w/ last location slam thanks Finished 19
    5. 5th Matins #4242 he / him more Weird Punch Seed Finished 63
    6. 6th OhJustNothing #5988 he / him more I wasted nearly an hour assuming slam had to be in the first 4 levels. So that was on me. everything else is on this poopyhead seed Finished 26
    7. 7th mamgar #2422 he / him Finished 8
    8. 8th LJMnin #6002 he / him more other than late gam, early routing and seed was great Finished 346
    9. Alpha_Que_Up #8019 DNF 31
    10. VerdantAsh #1713 she / her more too sick to do punch casinos lol DNF 28
    11. Konditioner #9278 he / him more No negative information to hunt for Punch. Not doing that. DNF 22
    12. DrSamalander #9430 he / him DNF 32
    13. MegaPaul #6696 he / him more punch lul DNF 75
    14. Yata #9210 they / them DNF 12
    15. WileECoyoteGenius #0630 he / him DNF 74
    16. Geekcook #0060 he / him DNF 201
  4. crazy-beaverbother-6796 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st MegaPaul #6696 he / him Finished 214
    2. 2nd Spike #7996 he / him more Next time I'm just looking at the times of this lobby and not the other one Finished 26
    3. 3rd barrie95 #8111 he / him more took a while for me to peace together aztec oasis/totem was talking about barrels Finished 19
    4. 4th Charlesjarls #7237 any / all Finished 39
    5. 5th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him Finished 4
    6. 6th Kiwi #5771 he / they Finished 17
  5. hungry-pineapple-8932 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 11 entrants
    1. 1st Alpha_Que_Up #8019 Finished 33
    2. 2nd Konditioner #9278 he / him more Holy crap, could not play any worse Finished 59
    3. 3rd Charlesjarls #7237 any / all Finished 23
    4. 4th MegaPaul #6696 he / him Finished 167
    5. 5th DrSamalander #9430 he / him Finished 35
    6. 6th Borri432 #0739 Finished 2
    7. 7th VerdantAsh #1713 she / her Finished 3
    8. 8th adeleine64DS #9998 she / they more I wanna go home Finished 294
    9. 9th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him more simply do the twirl skip in galleon silly Finished 10
    10. barrie95 #8111 he / him more orphaned the kasplat top of prod. thought the hint was talking about diving DNF 192
    11. Dave Lotuski24 #5347 he / him more KEY 6????????? DNF 203
  6. tactical-primatepunch-0199 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Kamerson #6793 he / him more Is S3 solved already??? Finished 25
    2. 2nd Obiyo #6484 he / him Finished 50
    3. 3rd Spike #7996 he / him Finished 67
    4. 4th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him more the jet seed of all time what the heck Finished 34
    5. 5th IronFatalis #1903 he / him Finished 12
    6. MegaPaul #6696 he / him more heck 5 door ship. congrats kam DNF 131
  7. trusty-banana-6316 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 13 entrants
    1. 1st Kamerson #6793 he / him Finished 25
    2. 2nd Borri432 #0739 Finished 200
    3. 3rd Obiyo #6484 he / him Finished 15
    4. 4th mamgar #2422 he / him more diddy why do you have to be so poor Finished 45
    5. 5th DanPyxel #1215 they / them more Two GB bottleneck seeds in one day Finished 124
    6. 6th baelnog #5605 he / him Finished 94
    7. 7th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him more all good seeds need a tiny phase to make them just okay Finished 30
    8. 8th OhJustNothing #5988 he / him more fun seed, I screwed up on GB routing and didn't sus out the weird tiny phase path for too long, but I had a good time Finished 50
    9. 9th Scooter #1921 he / him more a required instrument on Jetpac, and a required K.Rool move in Helm, and another required K. Rool move on helm lobby barrel. Wild. Finished 350
    10. 10th MrTKettle #3667 Finished 21
    11. 11th Natolaw #0187 Finished 86
    12. Alpha_Que_Up #8019 DNF 83
    13. MegaPaul #6696 he / him more jet(pac) seed DNF 292
  8. jolly-klaptrap-7089 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st Charlesjarls #7237 any / all Finished 58
    2. 2nd MumboToken #6300 he / they Finished 68
    3. 3rd Konditioner #9278 he / him Finished 104
    4. 4th icupspeedruns #0721 Finished 236
    5. 5th Alpha_Que_Up #8019 Finished 4
    6. 6th DrSamalander #9430 he / him more 5 minutes on jetpac SMH Finished 27
    7. 7th VerdantAsh #1713 she / her Finished 11
    8. 8th mamgar #2422 he / him more no idea how this seed made any sense logically but here we are Finished 21
    9. 9th jrad #2147 he / him Finished 285
    10. 10th DanPyxel #1215 they / them more Easy seed with the worst mechanical play of my life. Check your bosses Finished 123
    11. 11th Trog #6092 more CB calc is incorrect for lanky fungi :) Finished 1
    12. 12th IronFatalis #1903 he / him more spent forever getting fairies to get homing -_- Finished 7
    13. 13th VioletPumpkin #5625 she / her more Got baited by Sax Finished 50
    14. 14th OhJustNothing #5988 he / him Finished 10
    15. 15th Legit_Vazquez #2046 he / him Finished 39
    16. 16th CatWithAnAt #3831 they / them more alta tweeted myself after chunky medal gave me sax... this was a tiring one Finished 38
    17. 17th Kiwi #5771 he / they Finished 25
    18. MegaPaul #6696 he / him more lank medal in forest DNF 849
  9. vanilla-kutout-5964 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st MegaPaul #6696 he / him Finished 141
    2. Charlesjarls #7237 any / all DNF 19
  10. daring-caves-8634 DK64R Season 3 Finished recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st MegaPaul #6696 he / him Finished 260
    2. 2nd Spike #7996 he / him Finished 52