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FFR SGLive 2021 Finished recorded 13 entrants
- 1st ganonsgonewild #4489 more gg gl in brackets Finished 221
- 2nd ael #9832 he / him Finished 110
- 3rd Cheezinator #9427 he / him Finished 121
- 4th BurtReynoldz #4973 Finished 54
- 5th DarkmoonEX #7048 more can't stop won't stop Finished 84
- 6th HaateXIII #1133 he / him more stupid slo2 Finished 160
- 7th Chanigan #1703 he / him Finished 28
- 8th LordFizzlebeef #0465 he / him Finished 2,157
- 9th Elastoid #0212 Finished 34
- 10th Edgeworth #9410 they / them Finished 62
- 11th lifereboot #7032 he / him Finished 27
- 12th guda632 #3189 Finished 197
- 13th Mageius #9552 more F**K you game, all your god damn nukes everything race I have been in it has been the first spell on every damn second thing Finished 84
FFR Weekly Races Finished recorded 6 entrants
- 1st Chanigan #1703 he / him Finished 65
- 2nd shoombabi #6443 he / him Finished 156
- 3rd ael #9832 he / him Finished 112
- 4th HaateXIII #1133 he / him Finished 115
- 5th poppadux #0154 he / him Finished 15
- — Dengwoo #4557 he / him DNF 590
FFR SGLive 2021 Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Cheezinator #9427 he / him Finished 93
- — Chanigan #1703 he / him DNF 67
FFR SGLive 2021 Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Chanigan #1703 he / him Finished 60
- — adamdruppe #9098 DNF 106
FFR SGLive 2021 Finished recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Chanigan #1703 he / him Finished 17
- 2nd lifereboot #7032 he / him Finished 8
FFR SGLive 2021 Finished recorded 24 entrants
- 1st spellzapp #5342 he / him Finished 143
- 2nd Chanigan #1703 he / him more missed sub 46 by 100hp Finished 213
- 3rd picklesandbeer #1470 Finished 279
- 4th adamdruppe #9098 Finished 412
- 5th BurtReynoldz #4973 Finished 143
- 6th crab cakes #7966 she / her Finished 35
- 7th Edgeworth #9410 they / them more well I'll be, keyboard really is faster Finished 152
- 8th guardianmarcus #4904 he / him more Look ma! Sub hour! Finished 210
- 9th robdraven #0729 he / him Finished 132
- 10th Cheezinator #9427 he / him Finished 130
- 11th rubes000 #8998 he / him Finished 114
- 12th ael #9832 he / him more battle rng > me Finished 342
- 13th fryteeth #6010 he / him Finished 35
- 14th GregglyPuff #3650 Finished 206
- 15th lifereboot #7032 he / him Finished 39
- 16th DemonRHK #5168 he / him Finished 23
- 17th jkoper #0895 he / him more just go class change and equip the +3 vorpal next time Finished 322
- 18th guda632 #3189 more efff that short tofr wowza Finished 344
- 19th Sawneyrath11 #1310 he / him more Looks like retirement is inbound. Finished 201
- 20th Mageius #9552 more why am I always the last one to finish and why to always make dumb mistakes that cost me more then it should. Finished 144
- — LordFizzlebeef #0465 he / him DNF 240
- — Thunderclaude #9119 he / him DNF 203
- — DarkmoonEX #7048 more screw you game DNF 142
- — poppadux #0154 he / him DNF 111
FFR SGLive 2021 Finished recorded 23 entrants
- 1st ael #9832 he / him Finished 850
- 2nd Deadpulse #1060 he / him Finished 120
- 3rd spellzapp #5342 he / him Finished 137
- 4th DeviousRNG #7993 he / him Finished 387
- 5th SelenSimp #1687 Finished 166
- 6th Chanigan #1703 he / him more gotta love RBO Finished 185
- 7th ganonsgonewild #4489 more 3rd 7th place in a row. forgot npc existed for 45 minutes Finished 211
- 8th guda632 #3189 more tranceicores can suck my balls Finished 47
- 9th DarkmoonEX #7048 more Kary sucks Finished 161
- 10th poppadux #0154 he / him Finished 233
- 11th Thunderclaude #9119 he / him Finished 68
- 12th Duskplume #8709 she / her Finished 237
- 13th Edgeworth #9410 they / them more I don't know what's worse, the flags or how I played Finished 31
- 14th rubes000 #8998 he / him Finished 83
- 15th BurtReynoldz #4973 Finished 36
- 16th LordFizzlebeef #0465 he / him Finished 200
- 17th lifereboot #7032 he / him Finished 8
- 18th Cheezinator #9427 he / him Finished 72
- 19th robdraven #0729 he / him Finished 145
- 20th jkoper #0895 he / him Finished 65
- 21st Mageius #9552 more Because F you TOFR, 2X NUKE CHAOS, NUKE AND NUCKLER KARY AND GETTING BANED THROUGH A RIBBEN!!!!!!!! Yeah F you TOFR. Finished 58
- — GregglyPuff #3650 DNF 781
- — HaateXIII #1133 he / him more fuuuuuuuck that tofr. DNF 123
FFR SGLive 2021 Finished recorded 23 entrants
- 1st spellzapp #5342 he / him Finished 251
- 2nd SelenSimp #1687 Finished 457
- 3rd guda632 #3189 more practice? you talkin' about practice!? Finished 1,696
- 4th Chanigan #1703 he / him more last location oxyale. Dumb grind on tyro. Finished 326
- 5th LordFizzlebeef #0465 he / him Finished 210
- 6th adamdruppe #9098 Finished 1,351
- 7th ganonsgonewild #4489 more lose 5 minutes to rng as is tradition Finished 346
- 8th lifereboot #7032 he / him Finished 260
- 9th DarkmoonEX #7048 more forgot to move masa over, that was a paddlin' Finished 202
- 10th Sawneyrath11 #1310 he / him more Wiped twice in Sky. Big oof. Finished 955
- 11th Thunderclaude #9119 he / him Finished 27
- 12th robdraven #0729 he / him Finished 11
- 13th Edgeworth #9410 they / them Finished 31
- 14th Kirito #7015 he / him Finished 249
- — crab cakes #7966 she / her DNF 407
- — fryteeth #6010 he / him DNF 339
- — BurtReynoldz #4973 DNF 97
- — picklesandbeer #1470 DNF 36
- — Cheezinator #9427 he / him DNF 40
- — DeviousRNG #7993 he / him DNF 32
- — DemonRHK #5168 he / him DNF 19
- — guardianmarcus #4904 he / him DNF 43
- — Eykir #2885 he / him DNF 87
FFR SGLive 2021 Finished recorded 20 entrants
- 1st crab cakes #7966 she / her Finished 191
- 2nd spellzapp #5342 he / him Finished 238
- 3rd BurtReynoldz #4973 Finished 238
- 4th Cheezinator #9427 he / him Finished 486
- 5th picklesandbeer #1470 Finished 295
- 6th DeviousRNG #7993 he / him Finished 546
- 7th ganonsgonewild #4489 Finished 1,012
- 8th guardianmarcus #4904 he / him Finished 279
- 9th SelenSimp #1687 Finished 23
- 10th Elastoid #0212 Finished 20
- 11th Duskplume #8709 she / her Finished 260
- 12th DarkmoonEX #7048 more I'm so bad at this game Finished 12
- 13th Chadbert #9886 he / they more Sky and only some early items hurt Finished 406
- 14th HaateXIII #1133 he / him more Jesus fuck, that damned rod. Finished 42
- 15th lifereboot #7032 he / him Finished 49
- 16th Eykir #2885 he / him more After canoe, First location Floater, Last location Lute Finished 66
- 17th Mageius #9552 more I just wish I hadn't made that many dumb mistakes Finished 28
- — Chanigan #1703 he / him DNF 402
- — poppadux #0154 he / him DNF 310
- — aaron2u2 #3589 DNF 80
FFR Fall League 2021 Finished recorded 4 entrants
- 1st Zen0bian #8003 Finished 137
- 2nd SirLinkalot #8175 he / him Finished 100
- 3rd Thunderclaude #9119 he / him Finished 12
- — Chanigan #1703 he / him DNF 100
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