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Race results

  1. saucy-layton-2810 TMCR Race Settings Finished recorded 5 entrants
    1. 1st mashy #9949 he / him more wild sequence of events following the flippers Finished 473
    2. 2nd BlueZy #0141 he / him more this kind of seed historically does not favor me Finished 66
    3. 3rd NyanCato #7788 he / him more Great seed, amazing meme start. Yellari took me like 5 min by going FoW before bow Finished 174
    4. 4th Nimbus125 #9026 he / him Finished 324
    5. 5th miscbits #0570 they / them Finished 186
  2. helpful-dungeon-1269 TMCR TBD Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Nimbus125 #9026 he / him Finished
    2. NyanCato #7788 he / him DNF
  3. swag-doomguy-2658 TMCR Triple Bingo with OHKO Finished not recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Nimbus125 #9026 he / him more Part of my soul died this race Finished
    2. 2nd BlueZy #0141 he / him more bad ToD/FoW dips, not really too many bad deaths but if I didn't get trolled by gyorg I would've won Finished
    3. 3rd NyanCato #7788 he / him more I died so many times. I know realize how much I tank at rando Finished
    4. 4th Rom-Steïn #5947 he / him more it really was a BadIdea indeed Finished
    5. 5th Zawza46 #3008 he / him Finished
    6. LunaStik #6848 more wouldnt have been too bad, except this bingo board DNF
  4. gnarly-layton-9470 TMCR TBD Finished not recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st NyanCato #7788 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd Nimbus125 #9026 he / him Finished
    3. 3rd FrancoiseHarpie #3313 he / him Finished
  5. proud-mewtwo-9688 TMCR Race + Keasy + Plentiful Finished not recorded 2 entrants
    1. 1st Hendrus #5799 he / him Finished
    2. 2nd Nimbus125 #9026 he / him Finished
  6. foolish-frankerz-6447 TMCR Legcay Race settings | Pre-May 2022 Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Nimbus125 #9026 he / him Finished 21
    2. 2nd OcNi #6308 he / him more Ahhh! And what was with the Flippers and blue Book traps? Finished 20
    3. AeroRaiser #6469 he / him DNF 30
  7. lazy-shiva-0897 TMCR Legcay Race settings | Pre-May 2022 Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st Nimbus125 #9026 he / him more for once i was actually rewarded for bailing capeless CoF :) Finished 24
    2. 2nd LunaStik #6848 more got cute. didnt pay off. never get cute Finished 5
    3. NyanCato #7788 he / him DNF 15
  8. saucy-simon-6053 TMCR Legcay Race settings | Pre-May 2022 Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st NyanCato #7788 he / him Finished 56
    2. 2nd Nimbus125 #9026 he / him Finished 24
    3. 3rd Henny022 #5714 they / them more gregal1 exists... Finished 25
  9. jolly-glitterworld-5320 TMCR Legcay Race settings | Pre-May 2022 Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Nimbus125 #9026 he / him more Actually nice hendrus seed for once, managed to (mostly) avoid being baited Finished 42
    2. 2nd mashy #9949 he / him more I need to stop forgetting checks Finished 2
    3. 3rd LunaStik #6848 more what's with the fakeout on the vanilla climb? i mean, i didnt fall for it, but thats a fakeout if ever saw one Finished 9
    4. 4th NyanCato #7788 he / him more Fall for vanilla climb but the worst part was looking go mode at 1:40, decided to bail FoW, full clear, then come back to fortress for my last item Finished 20
  10. scruffy-chocobo-0819 TMCR Legcay Race settings | Pre-May 2022 Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st mashy #9949 he / him more can't believe they were both real Finished 21
    2. 2nd OcNi #6308 he / him Finished 59
    3. 3rd Nimbus125 #9026 he / him Finished 19
    4. 4th drshocky #4644 he / him Finished 15