
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

atxmartin #8860 Mikesky
fir3turtle #3804 Myth197 #2247 norinatto

Current races

  1. No current races in this category.

Past races

  1. brainy-greninja-4413 Any% Finished awaiting record 3 entrants Any% Weekly: Filenames 'minish' 'cup'
  2. frantic-dungeon-4358 Any% Finished recorded 5 entrants Any% Weekly
  3. helpful-cortana-9579 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants Any% Weekly
  4. lawful-simon-5459 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants
  5. kind-banjo-0354 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants
  6. mini-subpixel-5296 Any% Finished recorded 2 entrants
  7. powerful-mario-8244 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants
  8. foolish-incineroar-0973 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants
  9. perfect-crash-1191 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants
  10. swag-glitterworld-7381 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants