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ALttPR Do your best and have fun! Finished not recorded 10 entrants
- 1st Coy #4033 more okay, which one of you generated this monstrosity Finished
- 2nd malmo #4794 she / her more optimistic indeed Finished
- 3rd Ketsa #9905 he / they more I was not a fan of this seed. Finished
- 4th codemann8 #1940 Finished
- 5th BlackWax #5032 he / him more Did anyone find the boots? Finished
- 6th Matthew Podurgiel #0785 more pendant swamp sucks!!! Finished
- 7th miendiem #7662 more Well, that was hideous. Finished
- 8th taco #7699 more I blame Coy for this hot garbage of a seed.... NEVER EVER YELL AT THE BOT! It has feelings too you know. Finished
- 9th Galvior #0151 more What a seed... Finished
- 10th Akashra #1702 Finished
ALttPR Do your best and have fun! Finished not recorded 13 entrants
- 1st michael_1985 #0952 he / him Finished
- 2nd taco #7699 more 110/216 with a pb to boot. Finished
- 3rd cemo #3342 they / them Finished
- 4th Coy #4033 more what do you mean it wasn't all dungeons goal? Finished
- 5th miendiem #7662 Finished
- 6th Matthew Podurgiel #0785 more I'm satisfied Finished
- 7th codemann8 #1940 Finished
- 8th XeroxCopycat #2869 Finished
- 9th BlackWax #5032 he / him Finished
- 10th TheGobOne #3197 he / him more Waaaaait, this wasn't an all dungeons and collect all items and pull ped seed??!?!?!?! Finished
- 11th Galvior #0151 Finished
- 12th Akashra #1702 Finished
- — FFVILocke #1110 DNF
ALttPR Do your best and have fun! Finished not recorded 13 entrants
- 1st Coy #4033 more remember, dont spoil anything until everyone has finished Finished
- 2nd miendiem #7662 more PB by ~7 minutes, just have to not lust for the lamp. Finished
- 3rd michael_1985 #0952 he / him Finished
- 4th azuarc #0876 Finished
- 5th cemo #3342 they / them more oops Finished
- 6th codemann8 #1940 Finished
- 7th TheGobOne #3197 he / him Finished
- 8th BlackWax #5032 he / him Finished
- 9th functionFox #2194 he / him more PB Finished
- 10th Matthew Podurgiel #0785 more Ahhh the classic! Finished
- 11th malmo #4794 she / her more I have a type. This was not it. Finished
- 12th Akashra #1702 Finished
- 13th Aedrilor #5663 he / him more today was not my day Finished
ALttPR Do your best and have fun! Finished not recorded 14 entrants
- 1st malmo #4794 she / her more it happened again Finished
- 2nd Aedrilor #5663 he / him Finished
- 3rd miendiem #7662 more A second sword. A second sword. My kingdom for a second sword. Finished
- 4th azuarc #0876 Finished
- 5th The Gaming Contrarian #5501 he / him Finished
- 6th Galvior #0151 Finished
- 7th Coy #4033 more literal last location Finished
- 8th functionFox #2194 he / him more Augh, I was so close to beating Coy. D: Kappa Finished
- 9th Cubegod #2962 more opps Finished
- 10th Matthew Podurgiel #0785 more those damn swords!!! Finished
- 11th taco #7699 more could of been so much better than how it turned out. Finished
- 12th FlyingTilt #8770 Finished
- 13th Akashra #1702 more Show of hands if your go-mode item was "hearts"? Finished
- 14th semiclassical #4114 he / him Finished
ALttPR Do your best and have fun! Finished not recorded 13 entrants
- 1st Coy #4033 more Grievances may be filed at Finished
- 2nd codemann8 #1940 more nice easy to find items 10/10 Finished
- 3rd miendiem #7662 Finished
- 4th Cubegod #2962 Finished
- 5th functionFox #2194 he / him more How 'bout that hookshot placement tho Finished
- 6th taco #7699 more hmmmm...... very cute game. Finished
- 7th azuarc #0876 Finished
- 8th Galvior #0151 Finished
- 9th BlackWax #5032 he / him Finished
- 10th Akashra #1702 Finished
- 11th Lance #6768 she / her Finished
- 12th semiclassical #4114 he / him Finished
- — Ketsa #9905 he / they DNF
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