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Race results

  1. graceful-bowser-5956 KH2FM Rando Beginner Any% Finished recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st ZakTheRobot #7970 he / him Finished 184
    2. 2nd Ninten #9296 Finished 85
    3. 3rd Hypodeck #5210 Finished 233
    4. 4th CJ2123 #9481 Finished 330
    5. 5th VGmaster #6624 more I forgot CoR was off, oops Finished 8
    6. 6th Armann #7930 more top 10 hell yeah, I also hate beg blitz LOL Finished 1,654
    7. 7th Ragnoth #4497 more i dont get this category Finished 414
    8. 8th Mett #1465 more 41/50 - spooky for a cure pog Finished 41
    9. 9th IanMyDude #7880 more Beginner Blitz :) Finished 32
    10. 10th machinegungeek #6685 more Had a dumb death to Roxas and stupidly did Spooky Cave for no reason. Otherwise, not too bad. Finished 538
    11. 11th Double #0640 he / him Finished 91
    12. 12th Eldric #0473 Finished 256
    13. 13th Zoggoth #3566 more hit dome skip finally, and it actually mattered Finished 628
    14. 14th JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him more I don't see a reason to continue engaging in an activity where what is within my control is overwhelmingly outweighed by what is not I am done with competitive Pokemon and you wont get a fond farewell Finished 145
    15. 15th iiSalad #9912 Finished 198
    16. 16th Racci #7855 Finished 412
    17. CapitanBublo #3278 more Made all the wrong decisions, didn't have the energy to keep playing after 16th place finished DNF 224
    18. Decksays #6497 he / him DNF 127
  2. proud-frankerz-3426 KH2FM Rando Beginner Any% Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Mett #1465 more 6 min 25 to loads - 39:33 loadless Finished 106
    2. 2nd Ragna #7822 he / him more missed dome skip rip Finished 57
    3. 3rd IanMyDude #7880 more BB irks me because I feel like I always play well and lose 100% of the time. Feels the most random of all the categories honestly. Finished 39
    4. 4th Zeddikus #8816 Finished 63
    5. 5th akashortstack #7524 he / him Finished 92
    6. 6th LeftoverHotdish #7368 she / her more so clsoe feelsbadman Finished 32
  3. eager-brock-0772 KH2FM Rando Level 1 Any% Finished recorded 18 entrants
    1. 1st VGmaster #6624 Finished 46
    2. 2nd JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him Finished 70
    3. 3rd Ninten #9296 Finished 19
    4. 4th Ragnoth #4497 more 5~ minutes of deaths. 2 Deaths on Hostile Program + intentional deaths for form leveling (Master/Final) at the end of the seed. Lost the Form lottery entirely :( Finished 396
    5. 5th iiSalad #9912 Finished 8
    6. 6th IanMyDude #7880 more What a seed. Played horribly at points as well. Could have easily saved around 5 or 6 minutes with better play. :( Finished 51
    7. 7th ZakTheRobot #7970 he / him Finished 78
    8. 8th Armann #7930 more leveled final last, level 7 proof seeds are the worse Finished 419
    9. 9th Mett #1465 more I lost my mind this seed Finished 80
    10. 10th CJ2123 #9481 Finished 134
    11. 11th Jaylawn #9888 he / him Finished 31
    12. 12th Hypodeck #5210 Finished 43
    13. 13th CapitanBublo #3278 more What a bad joke this seed Finished 227
    14. 14th Racci #7855 Finished 263
    15. 15th OpalLua #9338 she / her more Felt like i played well. Everyone has gotten so good at KH2 rando its insane Finished 213
    16. 16th Eldric #0473 Finished 62
    17. 17th machinegungeek #6685 more Remind me to read the fucking settings. Goddammit. Finished 168
    18. 18th Zoggoth #3566 Finished 791
  4. frantic-mushroom-8392 KH2FM Rando Level 1 Any% Finished recorded 3 entrants
    1. 1st VGmaster #6624 Finished 24
    2. 2nd Ninten #9296 Finished 2
    3. 3rd IanMyDude #7880 Finished 30
  5. lurking-rimworld-9739 KH2FM Rando Level 1 Any% Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st VGmaster #6624 Finished 34
    2. 2nd Mett #1465 Finished 139
    3. 3rd Ninten #9296 Finished 19
    4. IanMyDude #7880 DNF 63
  6. dapper-ken-2719 KH2FM Rando Level 1 Any% Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him more Riku pushed him into dome and i didnt die because it was indeed not faster Finished 65
    2. 2nd IanMyDude #7880 more Death abusing to final xemnas cost me the race >:( (execution could've been way better at the end lol) Finished 152
    3. 3rd VGmaster #6624 more reflectless and 10 minutes of Xigbar deaths :( Finished 50
    4. 4th Mett #1465 Finished 98
  7. charming-codsworth-7571 KH2FM Rando Level 1 Any% Finished recorded 6 entrants
    1. 1st Ninten #9296 Finished 84
    2. 2nd VGmaster #6624 more I choked Finished 1
    3. 3rd Mett #1465 more shout outs to wisdom form early throne room Finished 159
    4. 4th Double #0640 he / him Finished 30
    5. ColeQuil #6579 he / him DNF 32
    6. IanMyDude #7880 more Checked everywhere but throne room DNF 41
  8. smart-daisy-7889 KH2FM Rando Level 1 Any% Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st Ninten #9296 Finished 77
    2. 2nd Mett #1465 Finished 405
    3. 3rd VGmaster #6624 Finished 65
    4. 4th IanMyDude #7880 Finished 140
  9. dizzy-koopa-6501 KH2FM Rando Level 1 Any% Finished recorded 4 entrants
    1. 1st IanMyDude #7880 more Very good run for the most part especially since it was deathless. Only real complaint was getting dm'd by xigbar like 5 times, but that just happens on occassion I guess. Finished 292
    2. 2nd Slimba #1627 he / him more STT T-T and some stupid deaths Finished 15
    3. 3rd Dragonblast1007 #2197 Finished 24
    4. 4th CapitanBublo #3278 more Last possible location Proof + lots of deaths Finished 5
  10. cunning-midna-1659 KH2FM Rando Crit Any% Finished recorded 21 entrants
    1. 1st Ninten #9296 Finished 21
    2. 2nd ZakTheRobot #7970 he / him Finished 23
    3. 3rd Armann #7930 Finished 193
    4. 4th Dragonblast1007 #2197 Finished 23
    5. 5th Mett #1465 Finished 66
    6. 6th CJ2123 #9481 Finished 1
    7. 7th Cheeko Kyun #5192 Finished 46
    8. 8th IanMyDude #7880 Finished 11
    9. 9th JaredWeakStrike #7563 he / him more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KquFZYi6L0 Finished 9
    10. 10th Jaylawn #9888 he / him Finished 7
    11. 11th Ragnoth #4497 Finished 74
    12. 12th Hypodeck #5210 Finished 40
    13. 13th CapitanBublo #3278 more Lost about 10 mins to emulator lag. I'm so mad right now. Finished 28
    14. 14th chemigoku #0310 Finished 10
    15. 15th Racci #7855 Finished 120
    16. 16th guy6020665 #2536 he / him Finished 8
    17. 17th machinegungeek #6685 more I suck at videogames. And fuck Pooh (29/37). Finished 32
    18. Eldric #0473 more Got called into work, sadly can't say no DNF 106
    19. Glint #8851 he / him DNF 18
    20. LeftoverHotdish #7368 she / her DNF 124
    21. Zoggoth #3566 more Timed hints + sub-hour finishes really got into my head, wow DNF 125