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Race results
YGOFM Any% (15-card mod) Finished recorded 12 entrants
- 1st gui93 #3687 Finished 29
- 2nd 0FE6F8 #0332 he / him more 1 Reset | 1/1 Geki 2 DMK | 1 A-Tec Campanha | 7 Meadow | 3 equips, 1MM, 1 WS, 1DCJ, 1UMI, 1 MBD, 2nd try F7 Finished 23
- 3rd Namitai #7238 more NINE BEUDS, WHY, got to shadi with 1/9 Finished 10
- 4th Martins_Fernando #4781 Finished 37
- 5th Krolm #7422 more 1% BEUD Nitemare Finished 289
- 6th preto1 #3630 more rippei pro dmk, pro weevil e mais algumas vezes no final 7. fiz uns 7 atecs e só consegui 1mm e 4 equips normais. Meadow mage abençou, no primeiro que farmei veio mbd, 2dm e mais um monte de big drag Finished 1
- — (deleted user) DNF 14
- — Neczin #0322 he / him DNF 12
- — zigfried #8730 DNF 10
- — ItsBRN #0440 DNF 5
- — DeevilsHunter #8462 DNF 51
- — Saduske #1318 he / they DNF 318
Misc BRAT Masters Finished not recorded 2 entrants
- 1st Saduske #1318 he / they Finished
- — Maza #4252 DNF