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Race results
N64Mania Cruis'n USA Finished not recorded 22 entrants
- 1st UniversalGiant #2347 he / him Finished
- 2nd TurtleFrenzy #3195 more shoutouts to Mount Rushmore being on a level called Grand Canyon Finished
- 3rd Skarm #5914 he / him more They were hiding a cow at the end. Two in fact! Finished
- 4th ecastle2 #2416 he / him more TIL the St. Louis Arch is in Iowa Finished
- 5th RageLightning #0672 Finished
- 6th crazyp4l #4168 more Beware of Redwoods Finished
- 7th toburr #2847 he / him Finished
- 8th Remnant #3181 more Shout out to Blue for being the universal rival Finished
- 9th Pancakeminez #5255 Finished
- 10th GenericallyNamed #1005 Finished
- 11th Giga #0889 he / him more That's cows Finished
- 12th Shanic #2010 more #NeverBreak Finished
- 13th KHZard #1435 he / him Finished
- 14th a1alejandro #6320 he / him more ill never brake in a racing game lmao Finished
- 15th mashy #9949 he / him more Roadkill is my jam Finished
- 16th TriforceDrummer #6579 Finished
- 17th OrbDog #8137 he / him Finished
- 18th Weseykone #7650 Finished
- 19th amkthegreat #6267 more Shoutouts to no I-Frames after collisions Finished
- 20th Vandal #0371 he / him Finished
- 21st potautoman #3279 more GG Finished
- 22nd Fawn #0539 Finished