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Race results
N64Mania Cruis'n USA Finished not recorded 22 entrants
- 1st UniversalGiant #2347 he / him Finished
- 2nd TurtleFrenzy #3195 more shoutouts to Mount Rushmore being on a level called Grand Canyon Finished
- 3rd Skarm #5914 he / him more They were hiding a cow at the end. Two in fact! Finished
- 4th ecastle2 #2416 he / him more TIL the St. Louis Arch is in Iowa Finished
- 5th RageLightning #0672 Finished
- 6th crazyp4l #4168 more Beware of Redwoods Finished
- 7th toburr #2847 he / him Finished
- 8th Remnant #3181 more Shout out to Blue for being the universal rival Finished
- 9th Pancakeminez #5255 Finished
- 10th GenericallyNamed #1005 Finished
- 11th Giga #0889 he / him more That's cows Finished
- 12th Shanic #2010 more #NeverBreak Finished
- 13th KHZard #1435 he / him Finished
- 14th a1alejandro #6320 he / him more ill never brake in a racing game lmao Finished
- 15th mashy #9949 he / him more Roadkill is my jam Finished
- 16th TriforceDrummer #6579 Finished
- 17th OrbDog #8137 he / him Finished
- 18th Weseykone #7650 Finished
- 19th amkthegreat #6267 more Shoutouts to no I-Frames after collisions Finished
- 20th Vandal #0371 he / him Finished
- 21st potautoman #3279 more GG Finished
- 22nd Fawn #0539 Finished
N64Mania F-Zero X Finished not recorded 10 entrants
- 1st Giga #0889 he / him more WOW, YOU'VE TAKEN A HUMAN LIFE Finished
- 2nd shoehorse #0163 he / him Finished
- 3rd Synii #6419 more Don't worry Captain Falcon, you'll escape the smash bros prison somedday Finished
- 4th poptart_cat #2549 more she got a big hand so i call her big hand Finished
- 5th KrzyforBacon #7113 more Thanks for playing! Finished
- 6th TossedFish #4610 more Pedal to the metal \m/ o.o \m/ Finished
- 7th Altermentality #7078 she / her more Bio-Rex my beloved Finished
- 8th Remnant #3181 more Simulating being good at the game Finished
- 9th sp0ck1 #7823 more Thanks Synii Finished
- — Fawn #0539 DNF
N64Mania Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs Finished not recorded 8 entrants
- 1st poptart_cat #2549 more bye bye miss american pilot Finished
- 2nd Fawn #0539 more The game seems interesting but it doesn't work too well on the n64 Finished
- 3rd Giga #0889 he / him more I guess when they say about 9 minutes it really means about 9 minutes. Finished
- 4th Synii #6419 more RIP gamefaqs guy, never came back to finish their guide Finished
- 5th TossedFish #4610 more Grand theft auto up in here. Finished
- — Kat T #0843 more I had no idea what I was doing but I had a good time pretending like I did. DNF
- — shoehorse #0163 he / him more this thing prolly got an 11 from nintendo power. DNF
- — sp0ck1 #7823 more That's no moon. But it's not not a moon. DNF
N64Mania WWF No Mercy Finished not recorded 9 entrants
- 1st pieper #8160 more Finally...The Rock has come N64Mania! Finished
- 2nd Fawn #0539 more OH MY GAWD RANDY OR- ITS Y2J! Y2J! Y2JJJJJJ Finished
- 3rd Kaitou_Monkey #9575 he / him more Screw handicap matches Finished
- 4th TossedFish #4610 more Spent 40 minutes realizing I should have said yes to Shane in the first place. Finished
- 5th poptart_cat #2549 more in retrospect, mr. ass was a terrible choice Finished
- — Altermentality #7078 she / her DNF
- — sp0ck1 #7823 more This game is fun but I can only beat and lose Chapter 6 so many times DNF
- — Synii #6419 more Can't beat the handicap match at the end DNF
- — tapioca #6986 more I was playin the wrong one lol DNF
N64Mania Finish Episode 5 Finished not recorded 12 entrants
- 1st Synii #6419 more Still on the hunt for my sub 40. What a coinsidence that Tapioca decided on Tetrisphere a few days after I started to speedrun this game. Finished
- 2nd shoehorse #0163 he / him more needs more cloyster Finished
- 3rd Pikapals #8472 he / him more sphere man just needs to try a little harder to squeeze out of there Finished
- 4th Squire_Whipple #1644 he / him more A unique and fun puzzle game, nothing like Tetris. Soundtrack Slaps Finished
- 5th BowlinJim #8458 he / him more Not tetronimos, not clearing rows, not even tetris Finished
- 6th Muk1000 #5023 more Nintendo Power Soundtrack of the Year 1997 Finished
- 7th Magicalgnome #2637 he / him more I need to go find this soundtrack. Finished
- 8th poptart_cat #2549 more where were the lakes and the ducks?? Finished
- 9th Remnant #3181 more Music was the best part Finished
- — Altermentality #7078 she / her more Had limited time tonight, couldn't make it through :( Cool game though!! DNF
- — Fawn #0539 DNF
- — pieper #8160 more not too bad until you get stuck on 5-10 for an hour DNF
N64Mania Iggy's Reckin' Balls Finished not recorded 15 entrants
- 1st Flant #0182 more i feel like i just played the same 2 minute level on repeat for 3 hours Finished
- 2nd Giga #0889 he / him Finished
- 3rd poptart_cat #2549 more kinda fun until it got dark Finished
- 4th tapioca #6986 more my eyes can't take much more of this Finished
- 5th pieper #8160 more it was fun until it wasn't fun Finished
- — Altermentality #7078 she / her more Please don't take me to funkytown DNF
- — Fawn #0539 more Emulator crashed on level 3 downtown :c DNF
- — Garm #0062 more game just decided even with the correct settings said "nah" DNF
- — Kaitou_Monkey #9575 he / him DNF
- — OrbDog #8137 he / him DNF
- — Remnant #3181 more Fun... until it crashed. Emus beware DNF
- — shoehorse #0163 he / him more wreck'd DNF
- — sp0ck1 #7823 more DNF
- — Squire_Whipple #1644 he / him more Wreck'd as much as I could till EMU crashed... DNF
- — Synii #6419 more Downtown 4 won't load no matter what I do. Music plays but it stays on a black screen. DNF
N64Mania Bomberman Hero Finished not recorded 20 entrants
- 1st Flant #0182 more there will never be a universe where water lion does not suck Finished
- 2nd OrbDog #8137 he / him more bad video game Finished
- 3rd AbscondWithAPie #3766 more I love this game so much Finished
- 4th ElectricFortune #0414 he / him more Smooth sailing until Bolban 2. Frick Bolban 2. Finished
- 5th Muk1000 #5023 more I used to think Hero was better than 64, but now I think that's flipped Finished
- 6th Datlossit #9233 he / him more First play, noteworthy died in last phase of final boss, oof. Finished
- 7th Squire_Whipple #1644 he / him more Fun game full of bangers, except Bolban 2, no fun was had there Finished
- 8th Giga #0889 he / him more Bolban only understands triangles, the power of the circle is beyond his comprehension Finished
- 9th Eufy #8540 Finished
- 10th Fawn #0539 more Great game, big nostalgia ^-^ Finished
- 11th yarts #4028 more The Gamplay? Dope. The Music? Dope. The framerate? Dope. The weird thing sticking out of bomberman's head? DOPE! Finished
- 12th TossedFish #4610 more Fun platforming, awful bosses. What are hitboxes? Finished
- 13th poptart_cat #2549 more fun game! but the second attack is still better Finished
- 14th Niamek #6871 more Very good hitboxes, very good bosses. Finished
- 15th riocoys #8957 more I did it! Finished
- 16th DreamTora #4198 she / her more I DID IT!! Finished
- 17th Altermentality #7078 she / her more I did it! Finished
- 18th Remnant #3181 Finished
- — CalmayW #3670 she / her DNF
- — Magicalgnome #2637 he / him DNF